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Counting words used in a book

Kevin Sigafoos

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I'm preparing a series of sermons on Philippians and I noticed that Paul uses phroneo ("think") 10 times in this relatively small letter. A search of the entire GNT reveals that the word is used only 26 times in 20 verses of the entire NT, leading me to believe that it is a pretty important word in Paul's message to the Philippians.


I'd like to know what other words are repeated more often that would be expected in the letter so as to pull out other dominant themes. I tried searching for [COUNT >=10] <and> [RANGE = Phil] but Accordance doesn't like me using "greater than" in the Count function. Can someone help me find the frequency of the Greek words used within a NT book?



Kevin Sigafoos


If you set the range to the book and search words for * (so you search all words) or for [COUNT 10-1000] for example, you can then click Details and Analysis. If you go to Set Analysis Display you can add a count to each word, and set whether you want to count by occurrence, frequency, uniqueness or importance. These various stats are defined in Accordance Help > Digging Deeper > Details and Accordance Help > Reference > Dialog Boxes > Set Analysis Display.


You can also search a specific word. use the Table in Details and set it to show the count and frequency of the words across books and chapters, which should help you see where there is an unusual concentration of that word. The various graphs represent these stats as images, also helpful.


I hope this helps you do what you need.


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