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Search Entry Box Syntax Cheetsheet?

Tim Etherington

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I've been hobbling together some of the syntax for the search entry box to do some power searches. The help file has moved me in the right direction but I still feel I'm missing something. I am getting more comfortable with the Search drop down menu but still think there is more I could do.


I've been thinking of putting together a cribsheet of the syntax of search commands but before I start I was wondering if anyone has one they'd like to share or has something started?


I love accordance and would like to get the most out of it I can.

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Have you looked in Help/Advanced Features/Search Criteria? and at the summary in Help/Reference/Menus/Search?

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That is close, Helen. Thanks for point it out. It was where I began to get some idea of how to use the search syntax.


But I'm thinking of a bit more. For example, I started using the drop down menu to define ranges until I came across the [Range] command in the help menu. Then it took me a while to figure out that it had to be "[Range book-book] <and> word".


I guess I'll have to start hobbling one together with examples! :)

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