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Opening Last Used Dictionary in a Small Window


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I am enjoying the shift+triple click feature now that it is debugged. Thanks Accordance!


When using Command+Triple Click in a text or tool a dictionary is opened in a small pop-up window.


In a key numbered text, Shift+Triple Click opens the last used dictionary in a full sized tab. Is there any way to get the dictionary to open in small window like Command+Triple Click does?






Command-amplify is supposed to open in a separate window even when a workspace is in front. It seems this is being ignored on command-shift-triple-click. I guess this is a minor bug, but the workaround is easy: detach the dictionary window, resize it, and leave it open so that it recycles on each shift-triple-click. It will do this as long as the word is found in the same field, i.e. the entry or the contents.


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