Particular Baptist Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 I am a bible student and I am currently attending college working towards a Apologetics degree, My school offers a discount on Logos software, and I have Logos 3 on my computer. I have since looked at Accordance and everything I see about it makes me think I would prefer it more. Heres some info I have Bibleworks 8 on my computer already I do most of my sermons and audio either through podcasts, and I do alot of my research online. Logos has alot of books, sure, but I havent really seen much else out of it that differs from something I can do on bibleworks. A friend of mine owns a MAC and told me about Accordance, although I have a PC,.,, Yeah I know, but I heard I can run accordance through a emulator? What does accordance have to offer me that would replace Logos? I love Bibleworks and will be keeping it, but I think I may be getting accordance and getting rid of logos...
Timothy Jenney Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Hi, "Particular Baptist!" (You're going to have to explain that handle to us someday...) Nice to hear from a fellow podcaster.:-) I think you'll find the whole Accordance experience very different from other software-or other companies. I just completed a podcast on our philosophy (#16). Let me invite you to view it here: The short answer is "yes," Accordance works just fine on the emulator. In fact, you'll find a whole section on our forum entitled "Emulator Discussion." Be sure to skim those comments. We also just released a dedicated DVD for our PC users, making the process of installing Accordance much easier. Hope you'll join us soon!
Particular Baptist Posted January 9, 2010 Author Posted January 9, 2010 I am glad to be here brother! I can explain the handle for you:)! Particular Baptist is another name for Reformed Baptists:) I am a Reformed Baptist but really like the name Particular Baptist over "reformed". Heres some general info:) Reformed Baptists are Baptists that hold to a Calvinistic Soteriology, and typically adhere to the 1644 or 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. They can trace their history through the early modern Particular Baptists of England. Here is some common views among Reformed Baptists Some common traits of Reformed Baptists are: * The centrality of the Bible: the traditional Christian Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments) are considered to be the "only rule of faith and practice". However, any interpretation of Scripture must always have an orthodox founding. * Creedalism: the ancient Creeds (Apostle's, Nicaene, & Athanasian), historic Confessions (London Confessions of 1644 & 1689), as well as Catechisms (Orthodox Catechism of 1680 & London Catechism of 1689) are all considered summaries of Church teaching but none are held in the same authoritative position as the Christian Scriptures. * Regulative principle of worship: the belief that "the acceptable way of Worshipping the true God, is instituted by himself; and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be Worshipped according to the imaginations, and devices of Men, or the suggestions of Satan, under any visible representations, or any other way, not prescribed in the Holy Scriptures," (from chapter 22, paragraph 1 of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith). Every element of the regular weekly liturgy must be expressly commanded from Scripture. Whatever is expressly commanded must be included; whatever is not expressly commanded must be excluded. However, the circumstances of worship may vary from one church to another (i.e. whether worshippers sit in chairs or stand, what time the service is held, etc.). * Covenant Theology: teaches the classic Reformed contrast between the Covenant of Works in Adam and the Covenant of Grace in Christ (the last Adam) - and the Elect who are united to Him. This eternal Covenant of Grace is progressively revealed through the historic Biblical covenants. * Congregational & Associational: there is considered to be no earthly church authority above the local body of elders. However, traditionally congregations "associate" with other like-minded congregations. These "Associations," which can be considered denominations of a sort, are formed on the basis of a common doctrinal statement, usually the Second London Confession of 1689. Congregations which ardently teach contrary to what is considered orthodox are finally put out of "Association". * Ecclesiastical Office: There are two church offices: the Elder and the Deacon. Each local church has multiple Elders (also known as plurality of elders). Amongst Reformed Baptist this local elder body is traditionally called the presbytery (not to be confused with the Presbyterian definition of 'presbytery'). The pastor is also considered one of the elders. The Presbytery usually is concerned with the spiritual up-keep of the church, while the Diaconate is concerned with the physical concerns of church members and the physical up-keep of church property. * Cessationism: The revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit (Apostles, prophets, miracle-workers, tongues-speakers) are considered by most Reformed Baptists to have ceased. However, there are some Baptists who are self-confessedly Calvinist but who reject cessationism. * Sunday as the Christian Sabbath. Sunday, usually called "Lord's Day", is considered the only Holy Day of Christianity. On Sundays, Reformed Baptists believe that they are to rest from all "earthly" work and business, attend public worship (called "Sabbath Meeting" or "Meeting" by traditionalists), and be about good works. Despite clear statements in their confessions, there is not full agreement among individual Reformed Baptists about whether or not recreation is allowable on the Sabbath, but this is rarely debated and either opinion is often allowed. Some notable Particular Baptists are: *John Piper * Benjamin Keach
William B Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Hi welcome, thanks for all the info. I too am baptist however I am of the 'new calvinist camp'. One wee correction - John Piper does believe in the gifts of the Spirit - Pastor Piper had this to say: I [believe] that
Helen Brown Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Our forum guidelines prohibit the discussion of theological differences. Please respect this and focus on the intent of the forums, to help each other to use Accordance better in our study of the Bible. I don't want to close the thread in case any of you have comments for our new friend on how Accordance differs from the tools he has already, and how it might help him in his studies and preparation. A recent tweet by joshlsulli sums it up for me: If you are looking for solid, scholarly Bible software for Mac, this is the program. It's awesome!
Timothy Jenney Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 Our forum guidelines prohibit the discussion of theological differences. Please respect this and focus on the intent of the forums, to help each other to use Accordance better in our study of the Bible. I don't want to close the thread in case any of you have comments for our new friend on how Accordance differs from the tools he has already, and how it might help him in his studies and preparation. A recent tweet by joshlsulli sums it up for me: If you are looking for solid, scholarly Bible software for Mac, this is the program. It's awesome! Oops, my apologies, everyone! I think I prompted this discussion with my query about the handle "Particular Baptist." I figured it was a tongue in cheek reference to a preference for Accordance, a particular kind of coffee, or some other personal peculiarity. It honestly never occurred to me it was a theological designation. Sorry, and welcome to Accordance users of all theological stripes (also various spots, different colorations, and other variegated patterns)!
Frank Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 I have Bibleworks 8 on my computer already I do most of my sermons and audio either through podcasts, and I do alot of my research online. Logos has alot of books, sure, but I havent really seen much else out of it that differs from something I can do on bibleworks. A friend of mine owns a MAC and told me about Accordance, although I have a PC,.,, Yeah I know, but I heard I can run accordance through a emulator? What does accordance have to offer me that would replace Logos? I love Bibleworks and will be keeping it, but I think I may be getting accordance and getting rid of logos... I just sold my complete logos set in order to invest in Accordance. All are good products within the framework of their philosophy (See Accordance's latest podcast). In short, if you are a dedicated PC user then BibleWorks is quick, informative, and a great value. If you are a dedicated Mac user then Accordance is the best. In my case, I own both now and used Bibleworks for over a decade. But I made the switch to the Mac just after Christmas and desired the total Mac experience. I used Logos for library purposes but when I got a reasonable price I sold it. In my case, I owned it since version 2. I used it mainly for cut&paste into research papers. You get ALOT of material for the money but in my opinion most of it is useless. You still have to invest in what you use. Accordance is more expensive but I like the fact it is text-focused and selective in its other offerings. Pick & choose what you want. You are not penaltized. Frank Jones, Pastor
Rick Bennett Posted January 9, 2010 Posted January 9, 2010 I am a bible student and I am currently attending college working towards a Apologetics degree, My school offers a discount on Logos software, and I have Logos 3 on my computer. I have since looked at Accordance and everything I see about it makes me think I would prefer it more. Heres some info I have Bibleworks 8 on my computer already I do most of my sermons and audio either through podcasts, and I do alot of my research online. Logos has alot of books, sure, but I havent really seen much else out of it that differs from something I can do on bibleworks. A friend of mine owns a MAC and told me about Accordance, although I have a PC,.,, Yeah I know, but I heard I can run accordance through a emulator? What does accordance have to offer me that would replace Logos? I love Bibleworks and will be keeping it, but I think I may be getting accordance and getting rid of logos... To get a good overview of Accordance check out the Podcasts (both the one Tim mentioned, and the others on specific features/modules). FYI: Accordance offers a 10% discount to students, so make sure and take advantage of that. One thing that I was impressed with initially with Accordance is that everyone pays the same price. The same scholars whose books I used in college and seminary were paying the same price I was as a student. The emulator is the perfect bridge to being able to use Accordance until you fully convert to the dark side and get a Mac. ;-) The overall experience will be very much the same, but faster and sleeker on a Mac. If you have any other specific questions, please do post them. You'll find that our community of users is very eager to share their experiences with you. Best
Timothy Jenney Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 until you fully convert to the dark side and get a Mac. ;-) Rick has been working waaay too hard. I know he really meant "...covert to the side of all the 'forces of light, goodness, and just plain common sense!'" ;-)
Particular Baptist Posted January 10, 2010 Author Posted January 10, 2010 Hi welcome, thanks for all the info. I too am baptist however I am of the 'new calvinist camp'. One wee correction - John Piper does believe in the gifts of the Spirit - Pastor Piper had this to say: I [believe] that ‘signs and wonders’ and all the spiritual gifts of 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 are valid for today and should be ‘earnestly desired’ (1 Corinthians 14:1) for the edification of the church and the spread of the Gospel . . . I want to argue . . . that the New Testament teaches that spiritual gifts (including the more obviously supernatural or revelatory ones like prophecy and tongues) will continue until Jesus comes. The use of such gifts (miracles, faith, healings, prophecy, etc.) give rise to what may sometimes be called ‘signs and wonders’ . . . There is no text in the New Testament that teaches the cessation of these gifts. But more important than this silence is the text that explicitly teaches their continuance until Jesus comes, namely, 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 . . . verse 10 can be paraphrased, ‘When Christ returns, the imperfect will pass away.’ And since ‘the imperfect’ refers to spiritual gifts like prophecy and knowledge and tongues, we may paraphrase further, ‘When Christ returns, then prophecy and knowledge and tongues will pass away from Signs and Wonders, Then and Now,). Yes sir, I know that Piper beleives in the "gifts of the spirit", as do I as long as they are used correctly:), The thing I listed was from a reformed baptist website. said "Most" of the reformed baptists believe they have ceased, but not all of them:) But Piper is still a Reformed Baptist:) I love Piper and his teachings..Thanks for your reply sir, hope we can spend some time together chatting sometime... Always good to meet some fellow calvinists.
Particular Baptist Posted January 10, 2010 Author Posted January 10, 2010 Our forum guidelines prohibit the discussion of theological differences. Please respect this and focus on the intent of the forums, to help each other to use Accordance better in our study of the Bible. I don't want to close the thread in case any of you have comments for our new friend on how Accordance differs from the tools he has already, and how it might help him in his studies and preparation. A recent tweet by joshlsulli sums it up for me: If you are looking for solid, scholarly Bible software for Mac, this is the program. It's awesome! what about if I have a PC though:) I dont have a Mac:( yet at least
Helen Brown Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 You can download the free emulator and the new emulator manual, as well as the Accordance demo, and try them out for yourself. It's not as elegant as on a new Mac, but it works just fine.
Particular Baptist Posted January 10, 2010 Author Posted January 10, 2010 You can download the free emulator and the new emulator manual, as well as the Accordance demo, and try them out for yourself. It's not as elegant as on a new Mac, but it works just fine. thank you helen:) I will do that tormorrow when I get out of church:) I appreciate it.
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