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Strange symbols in GNT-PAP


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P1v, etc.


I brought up GNT-PAP and found this symbol staring me in the face, P1v. What does it mean? I tried help; no luck. Text info says to read the "GNT-PAP read me first" file. Spotlight finds no such file. In the Accordance folder under readme's, there is no such file (there is for other Gk texts, but not GNT-PAP. What are P1v, P1r, P70v, etc.?


There are three modules as well as a GNTPAP - Read me first, which are installed if you install GNTPAP using the installer. If you only use the code on the GNTPAP-C you will miss the Read me and the most important GNTPAP-M and GNTPAP-M Notes. The material from the Read Me can also be found in the updated Read Me-Modules English tool which should also be installed.


The Read Me explains why there are two text modules. The GNTPAP-M presents the MSS in order as shown in the published work by Comfort and Barrett. These are accompanied by the Notes which discuss each fragment. The trick is that the GNTPAP-M Notes will display in a parallel pane with the GNTPAP-M only after you have once opened the Notes so that Accordance identifies the corpus to which they belong.


I suppose that the Notes do include a description of the commeon abbreviations, but I cannot find it. P stands for papyrus, 1 stands for the number, v stands for verso (the front) and r for recto (the back) and the second number is the leaf number if any. I am not sure what the ar means but I am sure other more wiser heads will supply the answer.


I am not sure what the ar means but I am sure other more wiser heads will supply the answer.


I suspect I am supposed to have one of those "wiser heads," but I'm simply scratching mine at this point. Textual criticism is a very specialized field. I do know someone in it though. I'll ask her what she thinks "ar" means.


This is one of those cases where photographs would probably clear up the confusion, but it appears that r/v are always recto/verso, and that any prepended a/b/c/d (as in P4) and L1/2/3/4/etc. (as in P5; P40 and following) must simply refer to different parts (my guess being fragments or leaves; in the case of P4, since there are multiple recto and verso for the same P4 letter, the final number in these cases probably designates the column on that side of the part).


This is one of those cases where photographs would probably clear up the confusion, but it appears that r/v are always recto/verso, and that any prepended a/b/c/d (as in P4) and L1/2/3/4/etc. (as in P5; P40 and following) must simply refer to different parts (my guess being fragments or leaves; in the case of P4, since there are multiple recto and verso for the same P4 letter, the final number in these cases probably designates the column on that side of the part).


This is indeed the case, J. P. but what would shed more light is the print edition, since the numbering system is derived from it with some modifications. Whereas in the print edition Leaf and Verso (for example) are spelled out, we abbreviated them to one letter. So, for the example in 𝔓4, the A refers to fragment A, and R refers to Recto.


I suppose we could add a bit more explanation to the Read-Me for this.




P1v, etc.


I brought up GNT-PAP and found this symbol staring me in the face, P1v. What does it mean? I tried help; no luck. Text info says to read the "GNT-PAP read me first" file. Spotlight finds no such file. In the Accordance folder under readme's, there is no such file (there is for other Gk texts, but not GNT-PAP. What are P1v, P1r, P70v, etc.?




As a side note on the help files and Read-Me (directed toward your other forum post), while we can probably do a bit more to explain the abbreviations here (as I indicated), it is difficult to determine what more we can do to help explain how to use a resource when the authors or editors of its corresponding print edition do not do so.


Since I have taken an interest in the ongoing development of this module, I'd be happy to answer more in-depth questions on it. Feel free to message me through the forum and I will reply back. :)




Thanks for trying to help me, Helen.


I still have no idea where to find the "read me first" file for GNTPAP.


"if you install GNTPAP using the installer"


I first installed Accordance 7 using CD's. Since they I have had it upgraded (at considerable $$$) at two Accordance seminars in Dallas. And I have downloaded an upgrade or two. I happily installed it using the human installer; that's you, Helen. LOL.



There are three modules as well as a GNTPAP - Read me first, which are installed if you install GNTPAP using the installer. If you only use the code on the GNTPAP-C you will miss the Read me and the most important GNTPAP-M and GNTPAP-M Notes. The material from the Read Me can also be found in the updated Read Me-Modules English tool which should also be installed.


The Read Me explains why there are two text modules. The GNTPAP-M presents the MSS in order as shown in the published work by Comfort and Barrett. These are accompanied by the Notes which discuss each fragment. The trick is that the GNTPAP-M Notes will display in a parallel pane with the GNTPAP-M only after you have once opened the Notes so that Accordance identifies the corpus to which they belong.


I suppose that the Notes do include a description of the commeon abbreviations, but I cannot find it. P stands for papyrus, 1 stands for the number, v stands for verso (the front) and r for recto (the back) and the second number is the leaf number if any. I am not sure what the ar means but I am sure other more wiser heads will supply the answer.


All the Read Me files relevant to installed modules are copied to the cryptic ReadMes folder in the Accordance folder. However, it is more convenient to access them from the compiled module as I mentioned above Read Me-Modules in the English tools menu.


GNTPAP-C and the other modules underwent a major upgrade this november, so I do recommend that you invest a further $15 in the Primary 8.4 DVD to update all your modules. Note that I failed to put the latest Read Me-Modules on that DVD so you should use Check for Updates in the Accordance menu to get that update.


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