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Daniel 3:46-Untranslated Phrase

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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This is not really an Accordance question, but I'm not sure where else to ask it. Pointers to a better forum for this question are appreciated.


Yesterday I was looking at Daniel 3:46 in LXX1. It begins with the phrase Καὶ οὐ διέλιπον οἱ ἐμβάλλοντες αὐτοὺς ὑπηρέται τοῦ βασιλέως καίοντες τὴν κάμινον.


I noticed, however, that NETS does not translate this phrase, but begins with the next sentence in the verse.


Daniel 3:46 in LXX2 is much shorter, and nearly identical to the first sentence in 3:46 in LXX2. This is the reading LXXB goes with here.


I am guessing that NETS' decision to omit the first sentence in the LXX1 translation is based on an assumption that it is brought over from LXX2 (or more accurately the underlying tradition), and not original to the underlying tradition of LXX1. But I'd like to know more about this.


I did check out the NETS homepage, and tried Googling, but I didn't find anything that addressed this issue. I'm hoping there's an Accordance user more familiar with the Septuagint than I who might be willing to give me more info, or point me to a better source.




P.S. Is there an Accordance module that would address this issue?


Hi Lorinda:


You should be able to get a great answer to your question on the B-Greek forum (http://www.ibiblio.org/bgreek/). Albert Pietersma, who edited NETS, usually fields questions there about the LXX and NETS.


Response may be slow to your question because most of us are in New Orleans at the Society of Biblical Literature meetings. I know that the OakTree folk are here.


I don't have time to research it (I'm at SBL, too), but at first glance my thought would be that the translations didn't translate it because the text that appears in the LXX does not appear in the Masoretic Hebrew text.


Hi, I am new to the forums, and I don't have any training in Biblical languages. My version(s) of LXX do not have Dan 3:46. Instead, they "jump" from Dan 3:24 to Dan 3:89.




My best guess is that your search text is set for a Bible that does not include the additions to Daniel, and that you have a Septuagint version as an additional pane. In this situation, the verses that do not occur in the search text will not appear in any of the other panes, even if those texts include them.


Steve: thanks for the B-Greek list suggestion. I should have thought of that, given that I was once a member of the list. I'll try to find some time to re-join and ask.


CapnKirk: Thanks for the SBL reminder. I don't think it is an MT issue, as Daniel 3:46 doesn't exist in the MT, and the translations I was looking at were all translations of the LXX in any event.




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