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Thanks for the updated info... but...


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1 hour ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

and hopefully this is the final time I'll have to say it), once we release syncing... 


Hi Nathan,

Just to clarify, my concern is not that I hadn't heard you say this before (so you didn't need to state it again now), rather my concern is the "once we release syncing" comment. The whole point is that Accordance sees syncing as more important than resolving the corruption issues, as you have repeatedly stated. Myself and others feel like stability and a corruption free program is a higher priority, hence my comment. I hope that makes more sense.

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I really appreciate the management message from Michelle. I thought it was well written and addresses my main concerns. 


My number one priority is syncing. Of course program stability would rank even higher than that, except that I have not been experiencing any stability problems on my older machine (Big Sur). 


I agree with everyone else, let's get through this rough spot and then focus on keeping Accordance's main advantages as priority: speed, simplicity, strength, and stability!

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4 hours ago, Kristin said:

The whole point is that Accordance sees syncing as more important than resolving the corruption issues, as you have repeatedly stated. Myself and others feel like stability and a corruption free program is a higher priority, hence my comment. I hope that makes more sense.


Thanks for the feedback. Actually, we don't feel that way, but in order to get in a good direction addressing those issues, it's important we finish syncing first. Syncing is actually a really good bridge to get to that destination.

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16 hours ago, ReformedDoc said:

The other thing the other guys have been on top of is correcting & updating, books, bibles & other resources all the time, Accordance would do well in following the path. 


I agree that is critical, but "correcting" probably falls under the category of stability, which Nathan said above is less important than syncing. :( 

Here is some context concerning that:


16 hours ago, Kristin said:

frankly, as valuable as some people think syncing is, I think we can all agree that stability is more important.


On 7/15/2024 at 3:59 PM, cweber said:

My vote is stability, library management first


On 7/15/2024 at 8:39 PM, Solly said:

The greatest concern I have observed about software of all types is that of stability. Stability should take precedence over new features!


On 7/16/2024 at 7:16 AM, robrecht said:

For me stability is the number one priority.


15 hours ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

once we release syncing,...


To be honest, I am actually surprised that this is even a point of discussion. Any new feature (syncing or otherwise) is an improvement, but lack of stability makes a program unusable. I literally don't even use notes or highlights anymore, and need to go somewhere else to use them.

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32 minutes ago, Kristin said:

I agree that is critical, but "correcting" probably falls under the category of stability, which Nathan said above is less important than syncing. :(

Getting a stable, reliable syncing solution out the door to our users is a part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the overall stability of our program. The question is not synching -vs- stability. Syncing is a part of stability.


We, of course, want to address any known stability issues with Accordance. Hopefully, despite the frustrations many of you are feeling, you can believe us when we say that everyone working for Accordance wants it to be the best possible software we can deliver to you. However, of necessity, decisions have to be made as to which issue to address first, second, etc. Our programming and management teams decided that it would be best to address syncing first. This will be an immediate benefit to our entire customer base, and solve many issues that customers have had with our current dropbox solution.

While this may not have been the first step that some customers would have preferred we take, it is a step forward in improving the overall stability of our software.

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18 minutes ago, Sean Nelson said:

Getting a stable, reliable syncing solution out the door to our users is a part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the overall stability of our program.


Hi Sean,
Thank you very much for your response. Regarding the statement above, will this "syncing" fix the note and highlight corruption? (Just to be clear, I don't mean this sarcastically, it is a genuine question since in my mind connecting stability and syncing sounds like "would you like to go to New York or by bus?")

3 minutes ago, Sean Nelson said:

We, of course, want to address any known stability issues with Accordance.

1. Note corruption is bad enough to make it unusable. (I have personally lost years of work from the corruption (not an exaggeration) and I know others have as well.)
2. The highlights were pretty much destroyed with the v.13 revamp. Highlights disappear, they highlight words the user didn't place (sometimes highlighting white parts of the margin the user can't place if they wanted to).
3. As @Accordance Enthusiast has posted on repeated occasions over the months, there are so many issues with the CNTTS Apparatus, it is hard to even know what to say. Obviously people looking at the CNTTS at all are the people who are deeply, deeply concerned about accuracy.
4. There are repeated errors in commentaries, but these are more like spelling issues or hyperlink issues, and are not work-stopping like the first three points are.

Those are the main issues off of the top of my head. I would like to speak to the seriousness of being able to export one's own work (notes, primarily), but that is not stability per se.


26 minutes ago, Sean Nelson said:

you can believe us when we say that everyone working for Accordance wants it to be the best possible software we can deliver to you.


That is good to hear, and despite how frustrating this has been, I not only want Accordance to be the best software, but feel like it is. An example of this which is very important to me is what a remarkable job Accordance has done with the User Bible. It is not only simple to create, easy to import, but it is also easy to update. I truly appreciate how typing "Gen 1:1" is all which is required for Accordance to allow a User Bible to scroll in parallel with published Bibles. This is not only something I use every day, but something in which Accordance blows competition out of the water. 


Thank you again,

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1 hour ago, Kristin said:

Hi Sean,

Thank you very much for your response. Regarding the statement above, will this "syncing" fix the note and highlight corruption? (Just to be clear, I don't mean this sarcastically, it is a genuine question since in my mind connecting stability and syncing sounds like "would you like to go to New York or by bus?")

Our syncing solution will solve the stability issues with the syncing function of our program. It will not solve any other stability issues unless they were somehow connected to syncing.


Once again, this is not a matter of program stability -vs- something else. It is a matter of prioritizing which known stability issue we address first. Both the note corruption issues you have mentioned here and elsewhere and the issues with our syncing solution are known issues in the overall stability of Accordance. We have made the decision to work on solving the issues with syncing first. This improves the overall stability of Accordance for its users. 

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7 minutes ago, Sean Nelson said:

Our syncing solution will solve the stability issues with the syncing function of our program. It will not solve any other stability issues


Hi Sean,
Ok, thank you for the clarification.

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There is hardly anything new in the recent message from management, and the rest is what could already reasonably be expected. I don’t want to spend my time finding and linking all of the old posts I remember, but I will link to two of them.


We already knew that syncing was the priority, followed by the cloud version.


We could already reasonably assume that there would be more updates to the program, and that 14.0.1 – 14.0.9 would eventually be followed by 14.1, and Nathan already said that a beta was coming soon.


Nathan already told us that syncing was coming along nicely and was being tested in house.


Nathan already told us about some of the problems they had hiring a third party for developing the cloud version.  


And finally, much of the substance of the new announcement can be found in Nathan’s “Accordance End of 2023 Updates.”


Many of our concerns weren’t addressed. My greatest concern is that Accordance staff and forum users have repeatedly said that they are a small company. But why then was it made even smaller with all the letting go, why the cost cuts? If money was saved, why wasn’t it poured it into hiring more programmers? I’m sure the programmers working there are great, but in the face of such monumental tasks to make good on advertised features, and given you say the company is financially secure, why don’t you hire more programmers?

Edited by Michel Gilbert
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By the way, for the record, I never said syncing was more important than stability.


One thing to keep in mind is this announcement is one update, but it is not "exhaustive". We primarily discussed syncing and Cloud in this update because those are features customers paid for in Accordance 14 and have asked for updates on. There is always time for additional updates as we have more information to share.


On CNTTS apparatus, I believe that is the one module whose corrections are done outside of Accordance by CNTTS. I will speak with David next Monday and find out what the procedure is for ensuring whoever is in charge of correcting them is getting the corrections (whether they go through our Report Corrections feature and we send them on or if there's a more direct route they're supposed to go) and post an update somewhere here notifying customers of the process. I also noticed there have been multiple versions of the CNTTS apparatus available over the years, so I will also coordinate with our marketing team Monday and find out if all of our customers are on the latest version, and if not, what communication we can send out about our latest version (as I thought CNTTS did some of them as paid upgrades).

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1 hour ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

By the way, for the record, I never said syncing was more important than stability.


Hi Nathan,

You have repeatedly stated that syncing will be addressed first, and AFTER syncing, THEN other corruption issues will be addressed. I know a lot of people (and companies) address issues in order of importance. However, if that is not the case here, I appreciate the clarification. 

Speaking of clarification, would you mind addressing this specific point from Michel? I have been wondering this too:


2 hours ago, Michel Gilbert said:

My greatest concern is that Accordance staff and forum users have repeatedly said that they are a small company. But why then was it made even smaller with all the letting go, why the cost cuts? If money was saved, why wasn’t it poured it into hiring more programmers? I’m sure the programmers working there are great, but in the face of such monumental tasks to make good on advertised features, and given you say the company is financially secure, why don’t you hire more programmers?


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Releasing syncing before examining potential changes to user file formats doesn't imply that one is more "important" that the other. It's a development process we go through. Trying to examine user file formats before releasing syncing first wouldn't be the wisest technical move, as we would have a better understanding about what we could examine concerning user file formats after we have some data from syncing.


Plus it's been pretty obvious we've put major emphasis into stability before we started working overtime on syncing. We released nine bug-fix updates to Accordance, and we plan to release one more before we release the syncing update. That pretty much speaks for itself. 


I don't answer staff-related questions, as I defer to management. Management can choose which updates they decide to share publicly.

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On the Python API, feel free to elaborate further on what your feature request is there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lord, we are so blessed to have such a powerful tool called Accordance to read, study, and research about You and Your word. I pray You will equip, inspire, and guide the folks at Accordance. I pray You will meet their needs, Lord.  Help us to be still and know that You are God (Psalm 46:10).  We exalt and praise You for all You have done and will do with this wonderful software tool!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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