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Shane R.

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1 hour ago, Michel Gilbert said:


I think Accordance should view us as investors, not just users.


I respectfully disagree here. Although we have invested (monetarily) in Accordance products, I do not think we should be viewed as investors. This would make the relationship appear to be simply one that is transactional. That would mean that we should be viewed simply as the means to make more capital. Isn't that strikingly similar to how we got here with the unfulfilled promise and sale of a product that hasn't yet been delivered?


Besides, I think this misses the larger picture: How does Accordance view themselves? Are they a Christian company whose values are built upon (biblical) principles of excellence, integrity, and honesty, etc.? If they are, then will see and treat us as we are: people whom they are called to serve. In the end, I think that is what we're all missing here on the forums (the application of Accordance aside)—an entire team that is willing to serve and meet the needs of the community with excellence, integrity, and honesty. That's what we found in those who are no longer with the company, or even now with the Lord. And what I hope we'll find with the changes Nathan has said are coming.

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I enthusiastically jumped on board with Accordance 13 and was so excited to join the Accordance family. I watched as many Dr. J videos as I could find and loved the family atmosphere of the Accordance forums. I learned so much from the forum posts of Mark, Rick, and the Accordance Academy videos. But as time as gone on, the Browns have left, Dr J is no longer with us, and many others have left. Forum posts are locked down and the least amount of criticism of the direction of the company under new ownership and management leads to banning from the forums. The rollout of Accordance 14 was an absolute disaster that the company just hasn't recovered from and meanwhile, Logos has not only caught up with Accordance in so many ways, but is far surpassing it in developing a vision for the future and implementing it! Logos even allows criticism of the changes they are making and are listening to their customers and taking it to heart! Unlike Accordance. I was going to dump Logos for good after coming over to Accordance but now, I'm leaving Accordance for good.  This was decision reached after witnessing a long series of disastrous decision and mistake after another with Accordance that has demonstrated that the new owners and management could absolutely care less about its customers and former employees who have invested many dollars and time building what used to be a great Bible software company. The last straw for me was seeing Mark Allison get banned from the forums and Accordance's intolerance of any criticism of their software and management. And I'm sure that I won't be the only customer that Accordance will lose or has lost over management's treatment of their customers and their lack of response over Accordance's poor rollout of version 14 and their lack of response over the numerous errors in their manuscript modules. Not to mention their treatment of anyone who points these things out on the forums. Don't be surprised if this company either goes bankrupt or is bought out by Logos!

Edited by Brian Leathers
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2 hours ago, darrylmy said:


I respectfully disagree here. Although we have invested (monetarily) in Accordance products, I do not think we should be viewed as investors. This would make the relationship appear to be simply one that is transactional. That would mean that we should be viewed simply as the means to make more capital. Isn't that strikingly similar to how we got here with the unfulfilled promise and sale of a product that hasn't yet been delivered?


Besides, I think this misses the larger picture: How does Accordance view themselves? Are they a Christian company whose values are built upon (biblical) principles of excellence, integrity, and honesty, etc.? If they are, then will see and treat us as we are: people whom they are called to serve. In the end, I think that is what we're all missing here on the forums (the application of Accordance aside)—an entire team that is willing to serve and meet the needs of the community with excellence, integrity, and honesty. That's what we found in those who are no longer with the company, or even now with the Lord. And what I hope we'll find with the changes Nathan has said are coming.


@darrylmy, I respectfully disagree that we disagree, at least I think we agree.

Roy and Helen believed Accordance was a software program and a ministry, which I wholeheartedly think it should have been and was. So, for example, when there were many difficulties with the Windows release, I stuck with Accordance because of their transparency, honesty, integrity, and Christian service; they said and obviously (by their actions) believed Accordance was a ministry. The last thing I would have wanted, and what I don’t want now with new ownership, is a transactional business relationship.

So why did I use the term “investor”? Because I wanted to get the new ownership’s attention in terms of a business model. We had a vested interest in a program and a Christian ministry, almost a partnership. So, if they have chosen a new business model that is just transactional, then view us as (unhappy) investors. We want to know if the profits are going back into R&D, if the forum will be disbanded or severely limited (because there were cost cuts and Nathan can’t possibly do what Rick, Mark, Dr. J, Joel, Helen, and David did; he is just one person), if they have the same number of programmers, or were one or more let go, etc. If it is just transactional now, let us know so we can decide if we want to keep investing in it. Or, at least let us know how safe it is to keep investing.


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There are some products I use because I like the products and the company is fine (eg Apple). There are other products I will not use simply because the company is awful (eg Facebook, Uber). Accordance used to be at the good end of that range, but it’s slipping… please don’t do this.


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Hi everyone. Rick Mansfield has left the forums.

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Shocked, even horrified... do the new owners see Elon Musk as role model? They need to refocus back to what Roy and Helen built


To both Mark and Rich many thanks for all your help over the years

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Rick told me he left on his own accord.

Edited by Kristin
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15 minutes ago, Leopold Green said:

Shocked, even horrified... do the new owners see Elon Musk as role model? They need to refocus back to what Roy and Helen built


To both Mark and Rich many thanks for all your help over the years


Unlike Musk the current leadership seems to want to limit posts from people who ask tough questions. So more like Facebook owners.

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5 minutes ago, Kristin said:

@Leopold Green
Just fyi in case it was part of your shock, Rick was not banned like Mark. He told me that he decided to leave since he was sick of the direction the company has been going in since the sale.

This is not good news for us because those guys offer a wealth of knowledge. 😏 

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1 minute ago, ReformedDoc said:

This is not good news for us because those guys offer a wealth of knowledge. 😏 


Agreed 100%.

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I imagine this thread will be deleted shortly. Or else the forums will turn into read-only, locked posts. Apparently this is what the new owner wanted all along because he has chosen not to engage and given directions to the only real employee who is in charge of this to lock the place down. I'll remove the bookmark to this place and hope things turn over a new leaf in the future. None of this needed to happen.

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On 7/14/2024 at 2:17 PM, Kristin said:


Very true. We are investors and customers. Additionally, the customers who take the time to visit the forums are the same people who are most interested in the software and are often in the position of being asked to recommend bible software to students. So it seems super weird to shun us.


I wish we could become investors and buy the company like Lowes employees did or like the Green Bay Packers did. Don't know what the value of the company is these days. Has to be lower than it was when the last sale went through.

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1 hour ago, Kristin said:

Rick told me he left on his own accord.


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On 7/14/2024 at 2:11 PM, Michel Gilbert said:

I would guess Mark was banned for giving out (a bit of) insider information on the forums, which I won’t list here.




Mark, if you’re reading this, I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of your help throughout the years, especially the amount of extra effort you put in with screenshots and detailed explanations. I hope to see you again one day on the forums, though I don’t know what that would entail on both sides.




Grace and peace.



This expresses my sentiments exactly. Thank you for all you've contributed over the years Mark, even after leaving Accordance!

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He is missed but flourishing now in his new role. I'm thankful he landed on his feet eventually, but the Accordance community is weaker without him working for the company.

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