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All my Bibles disappeared. Still have the notes.


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Need to add I closed Accordance and rebooted computer.  Still no translations.

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Hi @Rodee,

Thankfully you still have your notes! Be sure to do a backup if you can. I have learned the hard way that notes can get corrupted and stuff. Concerning the Bibles disappearing, that is really odd. I think I would try to go to Easy Install and try to re-download them. If that didn't work, I would contact support directly. I hope this helps some.

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Thanks.  It worked.  Been having instability problems with the software on ongoing basis.

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5 hours ago, Rodee said:

Been having instability problems with the software on ongoing basis.


This must be very stressful and frustrating!


A few questions for you...

(1) Are you running Accordance on a Windows PC  or a MacBook/Mac Air?

(1b) if you are running Accordance on a MacBook/Mac air is your CPU an Intel processor or is it a Silicon (M1, M2, or M3) processor?

(2) What version of Windows are you using? Or What version of MacOS are you using?

(3) What version of Accordance Bible Software are you using?

(4) Did you recently upgrade your version of Accordance? Is this your first version of Accordance? 

(5) How long have you been having these issues? Is this a recent problem, or has this been going on for a while?

(5b) When did these frustrations start happening?



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@Rodee For fastest support, please email Tech support at the below link. Include the answers to @Brian K. Mitchell's questions above in your email. Report back here on how it goes.



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