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Leopold Green

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it has been a while but is there any news on getting ANET for Accordance - along with Jewish Apocrypha this was the other most requested module some months back



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Hi @Leopold Green,

ANET has been requested so many times for years. I would say at this point I have personally given up on it coming to Accordance.

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Don't give up on it. We are looking into it. This is the first book from their publisher we've looked into getting, so it's the first time we'll be approaching them. We're also showing some sample pages to our module developers to give them a heads up on what development would involve if all goes well with getting the license. We're looking into it though. We know a lot of customers want it.

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thanks Nathan

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  • 1 month later...

After we get a few other modules done, I'm going to re-push for this one and see what can be done. It's the first volume we've ever done with this publisher, so it's unchartered territory for us.

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I gave this one an extra push today. Once I have updates, we'll let you know.

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