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Accordance in the Cloud

Dan Langston

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Accordance would be great in the cloud for many reasons.  I don't want to give up. I believe it can happen. 

Thanks to all the people who are working hard to bring it to pass. 


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Supposedly, Accordance cloud is coming.  It was supposed to be part of Accordance 14, but they have yet to deliver on the promise.  Personally, I'll believe it when I see it, but they say it is coming (Of course, they also said that we would have it by the end of 2022).   It would be beneficial to have.  

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It is certainly not abandonware nor vaporware. I have seen some internal builds of Accordance Cloud and watching the programming team progress on this. I don't have a specific ETA yet on when we'll release it to a customer beta (I'll post an update when we do), but our programming team is continuing to make progress on Accordance Cloud. I'm looking forward to it myself, as having access to my Accordance modules anywhere will be a huge plus.

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It would be helpful if Accordance didn't argue or play semantics on this anymore. Just own the mistake. It is vaporware in the sense that it was advertised as a coming feature of Accordance 14 before it was released and there still isn't even a date of beta testing in mid year 2024. Help your customer base out by just saying, we really screwed this up and we're working on it. No it is not done yet, and we don't know when, but this is the project we're putting all our resources toward. You can't change the past, so don't try to gaslight folks by saying the marketing wasn't promising this over a year and a half ago. I'm a customer. You have my money. I'm the one waiting for the product that was promised.

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24 minutes ago, mhanel said:

It would be helpful if Accordance didn't argue or play semantics on this anymore. Just own the mistake. It is vaporware in the sense that it was advertised as a coming feature of Accordance 14 before it was released and there still isn't even a date of beta testing in mid year 2024. Help your customer base out by just saying, we really screwed this up and we're working on it. No it is not done yet, and we don't know when, but this is the project we're putting all our resources toward. You can't change the past, so don't try to gaslight folks by saying the marketing wasn't promising this over a year and a half ago. I'm a customer. You have my money. I'm the one waiting for the product that was promised.

MHanel, I could not agree more.  Between Accordance Cloud and Syncing, the message is sinking!!  Accordance 2022...really?  Own the mistake and either reimburse all those who you did not deliver to or credit them!!  Accordance what has happened?

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13 hours ago, mhanel said:

... Just own the mistake. It is vaporware ...


We'd like them to stick their heads in the cloud, but their managers seem to want them to sync first.

Is cloud vapour? Well yes, but ....


Puns aside, though, they are owning the mistake. Nevertheless, there are major holes that they're trying to patch:

- pre-v.14 instability in data corruption and Easy-Install panic attacks.

- early-v.14 platform instability

- syncing

- cloud access


A lot of the v.14 instability has been addressed, though the pre-v.14 instability still seems to be lurking around. The pre-v.14 kinds of instability can get magnified by concurrent access, which both syncing and cloud usage intrinsically encourage. On the other hand, there may be some major changes required for a proper fix. For example, if they change their data format, we would all need to reinstall everything from scratch. If you have a lot of custom data, this can feel daunting.


As you suggest, if we take v.14.0.9 on its own merits, it's a decent ministry tool. That's what Accordance is doing these days - they're not pushing cloud etc in their marketing as far as I can tell.


Nevertheless, I don't mind a peek behind the scenes when someone asks. I don't see that as vaporware publicity; it's treating us as more than just customers, which is a good thing.

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