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Do you use Homebrew?

Brian K. Mitchell

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QUESTION ONE: Do you use Homebrew as a package manager in Terminal?

QUESTION TWO: If so why? If not why not?

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I use Homebrew. It allows easy installation of some applications and specifically have used it to install a few easy scripts that might cost money on a 3rd party application. For example, I use "ocrmypdf" to scan and get text from PDFs that might only be included in a monthly/yearly subscription to Adobe.

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I used it to install gedit on my M1 mac. I run gedit from the terminal on all my desktop devices and my Linux tablet.

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I have in the past. Not actively using it at the moment since I haven't had a need for it. Also used MacPorts in the past, but not actively using it either.


Wish Apple would offer a command line version of the Mac App Store as well (maybe "mas").

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I use homebrew to quickly install programs and keep them up to date. I don’t have to go to a website, find a download link, download, and install: I just type “brew install chrome”. Homebrew is particularly attractive to me because I use the command line a lot and write scripts. It may be less attractive to others who prefer a GUI.


@Dr. Nathan Parker not only could it be called “mas”, it is called “mas”: https://github.com/mas-cli/mas (I haven’t used this, however.)

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@jlm Wow! I didn't know this did exist. :-)

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