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Compare NA-28 and LXX

Geoffrey Farrar

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Hi, is there anyway in which you can compare a Greek text from the LXX with the NA-28 in Accordance, please? I am exploring allusions and references to 2 Maccabees in the NT. I know that you can compare texts but cannot quite see how you do this when you are using two completely different sources. Could someone help, please?

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There might be some way of combining INFER, CONTENTS, and HITS to get some results, but I think that would be very difficult.

BibleWorks (RIP) had a Phrase Matching Tool where you could select a text (and they had a combined LXX/NA28 that could be searched as one text), search a range (e.g., 2Macc), set a phrase length, choose a degree of fuzziness, and it would find all the matches in another selected range. (In my graphic, I searched 2Macc in the LXX and asked it to find all phrases with 5 words that had a fuzziness of 3 words that matched in the NA28. The results have lots of ones that aren't relative (e.g., phrases with articles or conjunctions), but one example shows results for "looking up into heaven" in Greek .

BibleWorks also had a Related Verses Tool. Select resource, select a verse, indicate number of desired hits. Once run, you could then include/exclude words. The graphic shows how Mark 6.41 has some connection to 2Macc 7.28 with "looking up into heaven" again.

It would be great to get a capability like this into Accordance.


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Ah, yes! I forgot that Search Back Linked Text trick. Thanks for the reminder.

Still would like ability to include/exclude words (mainly conjunctions and articles) to limit hits.

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So, I don't think it's too hard.


Open LXX Rahlf's and make a new search range (CMD R/CTRL R)

add 2Macc as a new search range - call it 2 Maccabees or similar (doesn't matter what you call it, only what is in the definition box)

select that search range in the drop down menu for range (using the plus button at the far right of the search box)

then do a search for *

that should select every word in 2Macc as a hit.


Open a new search tab with NA28 as your search text

CMD-SHIFT I or CTRL-SHIFT I will bring up the infer search dialog. Select the LXX Rahlfs tab

Press return and it should say something like



Then press return again and you will have the 6 word phrases with a 2 word fuzz that occur in 2Macc highlit in the NA28 pane.


If you'd like a little movie, or if you want to see the phrases in 2Macc, let me know. Search bank linked text will  work in this case on a phrase by phrase basis.


Let me know if I've misconstrued something.

Edited by Ken Simpson
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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, mgvh said:

There might be some way of combining INFER, CONTENTS, and HITS to get some results, but I think that would be very difficult.

BibleWorks (RIP) had a Phrase Matching Tool where you could select a text (and they had a combined LXX/NA28 that could be searched as one text), search a range (e.g., 2Macc), set a phrase length, choose a degree of fuzziness, and it would find all the matches in another selected range. (In my graphic, I searched 2Macc in the LXX and asked it to find all phrases with 5 words that had a fuzziness of 3 words that matched in the NA28. The results have lots of ones that aren't relative (e.g., phrases with articles or conjunctions), but one example shows results for "looking up into heaven" in Greek .

BibleWorks also had a Related Verses Tool. Select resource, select a verse, indicate number of desired hits. Once run, you could then include/exclude words. The graphic shows how Mark 6.41 has some connection to 2Macc 7.28 with "looking up into heaven" again.

It would be great to get a capability like this into Accordance.



Edited by Geoffrey Farrar
Posted too soon!
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Thanks so much both for these excellent replies. I shall explore both suggestions fully in the coming days. Really helpful.

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