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Scripture pasting in notes


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I was thinking that it would be good perhaps while typing in the notes, if one type in a scripture with chapter and verse(s), accordance will have it pop up to paste or drag it into the notes pane instead of typing the passages 

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Can you elaborate on this?

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Example: If I want to note something on a verse in the “my note” pane and I want to perhaps add a scripture reference  instead of me having to type the whole passage or verses that I want to type Accordance can automatically provide the scripture instead of typing it out. Almost like in the commentary pane if one hover over a scripture and it pops up in the instant detail pane. The difference will be that one would have to type in the book , chapter and verse(s) and it will appear in the note pane while one is making notes. Just a thought 

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OK so an option where if you type in a reference, it can auto-populate the text of the reference?

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Yes that’s it.

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6 hours ago, Luckylou1980 said:

Example: If I want to note something on a verse in the “my note” pane and I want to perhaps add a scripture reference  instead of me having to type the whole passage or verses that I want to type Accordance can automatically provide the scripture instead of typing it out. Almost like in the commentary pane if one hover over a scripture and it pops up in the instant detail pane. The difference will be that one would have to type in the book , chapter and verse(s) and it will appear in the note pane while one is making notes. Just a thought 

I may be missing what you are wanting to do here. But currently if you add a scripture reference to a "note" and then turn it into a "link" (click on the "gear & paperclip" icon) then you get the complete scripture reference appearing in the instant detail pane. Is that what you want/need it to do? This gives you the complete scripture without having to include it in the note itself and is still easily copied from the instant detail pane if needed to use in another program.

Edited by Lester P. Bagley
finish thought
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Yes! I apologize for the miscommunication 

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Do I still need to file a Feature Request, or are you all set here?

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File it

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Great. Thanks!

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