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OT Word Study Dictionary error on H4733 - miqlāṭ

Enrique Pappalardo

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This error I have found to be an odd one, so I was not sure as to where to place this, but any help would be appreciated.


The entry H4733 מִקְלָט miqlāṭ has as biblical references Num. 35:6, 11–15, 28, 32; 20:2, 3; 21:13, 21, 38[36]. I have the same database in  a copy I own of e-Sword, and it displays the same references to the book of Numbers. The problem is that, as I am studying Hebrew, I researched the vocabulary and found that the references 20:2, 3; 21:13, 21, 38[36], are supposed to be the book of Joshua, although the last reference which should read Joshua 21:38, has the bracketed [36], which usually refers to the Masoretic text nubered differently than the KJV, which I have in Andersen Forbes and Stuttgartensia. Verse 38 of the book of Joshua is the same in the Hebrew versification and [36] is also the same across English and Hebrew translations, the verse numbers are also the same in the LXX1. The book of Numbers only has the same word references up to chapter 35.


In my notes I am planning to indicate it as a print error, from which I assume the digital version was prepared probably by AMG Publishers or OakTree.

Can anyone input on this? If there is any other error similar to this one I would be interested to read your helpful comments.


In Christ,


Edited by Enrique Pappalardo
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