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Chome/Brave vs Firefox/Waterfox Performance

Dr. Nathan Parker

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Has anyone tested Chrome/Brave's performance vs Firefox/Waterfox's performance?


I've primarily been using Brave since it uses the Chromium engine, but I've been playing around with Waterfox a little bit. It seems potentially a little faster at some websites?

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I've never heard of Waterfox but do have Firefox installed on Macbook Pro 16 intel and Ventura, My main browser is Vivaldi (Chromium based) and I find it faster than Firefox.


I also have Brave installed but don't use it too much so can't comment on it.

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My experience has been (on Windows, Linux, and Android) that Firefox uses more memory than Chromium-based browsers, which usually leads to slower performance on systems with limited resources (e.g., a VM).

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Good info!

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