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Is there an online group who regularly zoom/skype/facetime/whatever about accordance training and topics? 


There is a lot of stuff that I could use that I don't have access to, but the issue is, we don't learn in a linear fashion like math.

First numbers, then addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, geometry, trig, etc. etc. etc. 


We typically learn on a need to know basis. I'm reading my Bible and I see a word. Then I want to know how that word is used elsewhere. So I want to look it up. Then I see all of these features, like analytics, etc. So I have to stop and look up a tutorial and what that is, and how to use it. After all of that, my time is spent, and I have to move on to some other task, not having accomplished my main goal by staying in that state of "flow" to learn about that word. It's really hard to get back to it.

As an educator, I try to keep this in mind and blend the two pathways.


I love online learning, but there are some things that a "study group" would make so much easier. One of the main problems with learning a new program is, if you don't know what terminology is used, you can't look it up. And sometimes, training videos are so boring and tedious you just can't slog through it. I'm actually offering a training course for our faculty on how not to create boring keynote presentations. They really need it around here.


I know this wouldn't solve the initial issue in my example, but it would provide a group of like minded people who are regular sharing what they are learning or have learnt in a real time fashion. (I'm not talking about a live seminar with a lecture.)


Is there anything like that here? Can't hurt to ask.


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I struggle with online as well, especially the help files which are one page and require lots of clicking. So while you wait for your suggestion to be implemented, some thoughts.


I quite like watching the recorded videos or attending training sessions and e-academy because you get to see the trainer using accordance in different ways to what i normally do and they are often topic focused.



you should get a weekly newsletter with upcoming training sessions for the week and you can ask questions and be shown in real time. (Though my problem is you often get basic things shown which have been covered elsewhere and are off topic.) but they are also dependent on the trainer.


but e-academy are well worth keeping an eye out for. These are previous one but you obviously dont have the live interaction.




Dr J used to do excellent lighting the lamp showing features but in a very focussed way and his contributions are greatly missed as they were short and to the point. 




the above link is from the help page (scroll down and its listed on the left.)





Edited by ukfraser
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Thanks for the feedback!


We do offer live webinars which is one way to interact with our trainers in person. When Dr. J was teaching webinars, he occasionally offered an "Open Questions" webinar where he simply answered customer questions. I had a lot of my questions answered in Accordance during those sessions. Maybe we should bring them back.


We've been offering some shorter "Basics" and "QuickTip" videos that offer things customers might look over. I'm also thinking of relaunching "Lighting the Lamp" on a similar format to Dr. J. I could never fill his shoes, he was one of a kind, but at least you'd get something from "Dr. P". 


We do offer a monthly newsletter as well with training, plus at anytime, you're welcome to ask away any questions here on "Accordance How-To".

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