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Finding ANF-NPNF references

Mike Atnip

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This is not so much about Accordanced as my ignorance overall.

I am reading The Foundations of Mysticism (not in Accordance but in PDF file). I came across this text:

"The seventh book of the Stromateis summarizes (insofar as Clement ever
“summarized” anything) his teaching about the perfect Gnostic’s superiority
over the simple believer:
Though the simple believer may succeed in one or other of the points
mentioned, yet it must be remembered that he cannot do so in all, nor with
perfect science (episteme) like the Gnostic. And further, of our Gnostic’s
apathy (apatheia'), if I may use the term, according to which the perfecting of
the believer advances through love (agape), till it arrives at the perfect man,
at the measure of the stature (Eph 6:3), being made like to God (exomoioumene
theio) and having become truly equal to the angels (isangelos [Luke 20:36]) —of
this apathy many other evidences from Scripture occur to me. . . . (Strom.
7.14.84 [3.60.2-8])."


My question is how to find the reference. I understand it to be Stromaties Book 7, Chapter 14 ... not sure if 84 is a line or paragraph number?? In Accordance I can find Stromaties Book 7 and Chapter 14, but nothing like this quote is in that section.  His bibliography gives this:

Clement of Alexandria, Die Werke. Edited by Otto Stahlin. 4th ed. GCS. 4 vols. Berlin: Akademie
Verlag, 1985.
(Clement of Alexandria. Works. Translated in ANF 2:163-605.)

So maybe he made his own English translation from a German work, but I would assume that it would be similar to the "standard" ANF series. I recognize the 2:163-605 as the page numbers for the printed edition.


Also, if I want to find the page numbers for the ANF in Accordance, I do not see a way to turn them on or off like other software. Does the ANF in Accordance have page numbers that can be turned on and off?

Thanks for any help.

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When all else fails, read the instructions. I was probably a bit frustrated when trying to find the page numbers and didn't even search for help. But I have found how to turn page numbers on now, but it appears that maybe the Church Fathers tool does not have page numbers. At least none are showing up when I unchecked "hide page numbers" in the "set tool display." Anyone know if I am somehow still not doing something right? I got page numbers to show up in Waltke Oconnor Syntax, but not the ANF series.

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13 hours ago, Mike Atnip said:

When all else fails, read the instructions. I was probably a bit frustrated when trying to find the page numbers and didn't even search for help. But I have found how to turn page numbers on now, but it appears that maybe the Church Fathers tool does not have page numbers. At least none are showing up when I unchecked "hide page numbers" in the "set tool display." Anyone know if I am somehow still not doing something right? I got page numbers to show up in Waltke Oconnor Syntax, but not the ANF series.

The ANF Tool does not have page numbers. It could get them if it was rebuilt from the latest CCEL ThML, but that would mean devoting module development time to something that would not be a new release.


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2 hours ago, jlm said:

The ANF Tool does not have page numbers. It could get them if it was rebuilt from the latest CCEL ThML, but that would mean devoting module development time to something that would not be a new release.


Thanks for the reply. I was the answer I was afraid would be the truth of the matter. Not a really big deal, just will make finding and citing quotes harder.

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