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Morphological Color Coding in Accordance for Greek Reading & Comprehension (Dr. Mark G. V. Hoffman)

Brian K. Mitchell

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Morphological Color Coding in Accordance for Greek Reading & Comprehension (Dr. Mark G. V. Hoffman)


Recorded at the July, 2021, Accordance eAcademy. Using a morphological color coding scheme of the Greek New Testament provides a quick and handy visual aid for understanding the Greek text. Specifically, it helps Identify the key structure of a Greek sentence (main verb and subject), subordinating clauses (participle and infinitive clauses, genitive absolute clauses), and breaks out prepositional phrases. It makes it easier to see other syntactical features and allows us to compare syntactical complexity. We can also note the word order emphasis in a Greek sentence, pronominal subject emphasis, and foregrounding of other sentence elements. All the visual cues serve to speed up one’s reading of the Greek as well as to note more clearly the nuances of the Greek text. The session will also show how one can use a Greek Construct search to highlight syntactical features and apply highlighting styles. Dr. Mark G. Vitalis Hoffman, MDiv (Luther [Northwestern] Theological Seminary), PhD (Yale University), is Glatfelter Professor of Biblical Studies at United Lutheran Seminary. Previously, he had fourteen years of parish experience in Minnesota and North Dakota. Dr. Hoffman is co-author of the Atlas of the Bible (Fortress Press, 2019). Some of his other ongoing work is available at his websites: CrossMarks.com, ScrollandScreen.com, and his blog, Bible and Tech. For more information about Accordance Bible Software, please visit www.accreen.com, and his blog, Bible and Tech. For more information about Accordance Bible Software, please visit www.ac




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