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Adjustments to Accordance Forums

Dr. Nathan Parker

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To improve the customer experience of the Accordance Forums, we’ve made the following changes to Accordance Forums sections:
-  “General Accordance Topics” is now “Accordance How-To Questions” and is the destination to post questions about how to use Accordance.
- “Forum Comments, Suggestions, & Help” is now “Website Questions, Suggestions, and Feedback” so we can consolidate all website feedback in a single place.
- “Mainly Macintosh” is now “Mac, iOS, and Apple Non-Accordance Questions” so customers can ask other Apple-related questions.
- “Windows Wisdom” is now “Windows and Android Non-Accordance Questions” so customers can ask Android-related questions.
- Coming up, “Tips for Users” will feature regular content and training videos from the Accordance training team.


The following “cosmetic wording” changes have been made:
- “Bug Swatters Mac” is now “Bug Reports: Mac”
- “Bug Swatters Windows” is now “Bug Reports: Windows”
- “Support and Bug Reports for iOS” is now “Bug Reports: iOS”
- “Feature Requests for iOS” is now “Feature Requests: iOS”
- “Support and Bug Reports for Android” is now “Bug Reports: Android”
- We have moved “Greek in a Year Up” under “Original Languages”


You can email any "General" Accordance questions to me anytime at nparker[at]accordancebible[dot]com (replace bracketed text with punctuation.

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I've also renamed "Webinars & eAcademy" to "Training" so we can use it to discuss all training.

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