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Search frequency within a specific book

Luke Bert

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I would like to do a search for all words that have a frequency of 1-50 times, but I would like to only see words that occur this many times and are in a specific book of the Bible. 
I have tried [count 1-50] and limiting the range to a book (e.g. Ruth), but this gives me words that occur less than 50 times IN Ruth. I want words that occur less than 50 times in the HB and also occur in Ruth. 

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I'm pretty confident that ‎[COUNT 1-50]‎<AND>‎[RANGE Ruth] will do what you want.  COUNT is one of those commands where using the in-line RANGE command and setting the range by clicking the + and specifying a range produces different results.  This is intentional, so that folks can do both types of searches. 

@Nathan Parker: the difference between COUNT with in-line RANGE and COUNT with a range defined from the + button used to be clearly spelled out in the help files.  This is no longer the case.  If one remembers that there is a difference, and reads the COUNT definition very carefully, this can be sussed out, but it is not the clear explanation with examples that I remember from years past.   I had to run a test search to make sure I had understood correctly how this worked.  

It's possible that I'm remembering a blog post and not the help files, but even if that is the case, it really should be explained better in the help files.  I'm hoping there's a list of improvements to the help files that you can add this item to?

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