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Is there a way to reorder the tools in "My Toolset" of the Info pane?

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I thought I'd been successful in dragging items in the Add Tool dialog of the Info Pane, but now I'm not able to.  Is there a way to do so?

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Hi @Lorinda H. M. Hoover,

I don't think you can do it from the info pane, but if you go to your Library and re-order them there, it should change the order of the info pane.


It might not be needed, but I would personally close the info pane before re-ordering the Library.


I hope this helps,


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Thanks, Kristin. Unfortunately, while that would work for every other section of the info pane, it does not work for "My Toolset"--at least not the way I'm using it.  The tools in that section are from a wide variety of places in my library (Dictionaries, Biblical Studies, Cross References, etc.) And the order I want in the Info Pane is not what I want in my library.


Although your suggestion did lead me to experiment, and therefore determine that the order that appears in the Add Tool dialog is not the one used in the Info Pane itself.  Instead, it is, as you suggested, using library order.  Which I understand for every other category, but is frustrating to me in the "My Toolset" section, as I want to place tools there that are in disparate folders in my library that I don't access as often, but that I want to remember to consult, in "My Toolset."  But I still want to leave my library organized the way it is. 



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Hi @Lorinda H. M. Hoover,

Thanks for clarifying, and I see what you mean. My recollection is that it used to be possible to arrange the My Toolset by pressing that little wheel, then there were up and down arrows to move them around. It was clunky, but worked. I really feel it used to be that way, and then for some reason it was changed it doing it only through the library, which is a real flaw.


(On a side note, I should mention I am still on v.13, so this was not a v.14 change).


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Thanks for more info, Kristin.  I'm working in 14, but I thought I'd rearranged the order of things this morning (while working in the French localization to test a bug), but then could not do so this afternoon (when I'd shifted back to the English localization). 

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They're not rearranging for me on my copy of 14. You could suggest a Feature Request on this if you'd like.

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