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Formatting text in user tools

marco sanchez

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Greetings Saints,

I was wondering if there are formatting tools in the user tools? Is there a way to make paragraph indents and that type of thing?


I am using accordance 13.3.4


Thank you for the help



Edited by marco sanchez
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Hi @marco sanchez,

I am not 100% sure I understand your question, but I will give it a shot. Are you talking about user tools? Assuming so, if you open the tool and double click in it, it will bring up the edit window. Once there, bring your mouse to the far left of the edit window and click the T. The T will add a heading, and clicking it again will add a sub-heading, both of which will be viewable as an index after you save the update. I think this might be what you mean, but I am not sure.


I hope this helps some,


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Hi Kristin,

Yes, I am talking about when you are writing and editing a user tool that you have created. I see clicking the "T" makes a heading and sub heading in the left column after updating. I was wondering if you can format paragraph indents and maybe bullet points with each bullet formatted and tabbed over as is done when writing papers and so on.

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Thanks Nathan, 

I watched the videos. It looks like there is not much text formating in the user tools. I mean, to make paragraph indents and bullet points that are indented, tabed out and lime up. It looks like the papers have the option to do some of that.



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You can try importing a file into a user tool with paragraphs and bullet points and see what happens. I haven't tested this yet.

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I just thought it would be nice if we had some formatting options in our tools beside color and text size. Are they planning on doing this any time soon? The user tools have not had a good update for some time.

Edited by marco sanchez
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You're welcome to file that as a feature requests under the Feature Requests section on here, and we'll consider it.

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