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Forum Bookmarks


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Hello Accordance Staff


Is there anyway to bookmark forum discussions so we can go back and find our best ones?

I don't know how to do that.


Thanks for your help

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there is a follow button at the top right hand side  of the author of the thread in the row under the thread title and above reply to this topic next to share


there are some settings, see below for one im following.

the other thing is if you have responded or created a thread, you can see your responses in your profile under the tab: activity.



Edited by ukfraser
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You can manage your followed content under settings under your profile


Edited by ukfraser
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I also add forum thread links to my browsers bookmarks or in my note taking app for the ones I need to go back and review or pass on.

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On 9/7/2023 at 3:44 AM, ukfraser said:

You can manage your followed content under settings under your profile


Hello @ukfraser


Thank you for sending that procedure. Now I know what to do. Profile>Settings>Manage Followed Content>Update Preferences

Great now I can save them

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On 9/7/2023 at 12:17 PM, Nathan Parker said:

I also add forum thread links to my browsers bookmarks or in my note taking app for the ones I need to go back and review or pass on.

Hello @Nathan Parker


Are those links in the Safari bookmarks?  Interesting.

Can you post this procedure?

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I'm using Brave as my browser, so I just use "Add Bookmark" in Brave at the moment. The same would work in Safari.


For my note taking app (Standard Notes), I just copy/paste the URLs into a note.

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I use DevonThink, and when I see an instruction here I think I will need later, I clip the screen and save it to a folder in Devon I call "Accordance instructions." 

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I should try it. I keep hearing too much good about it. :-) 

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