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Feature Request: Respect how I search for resources (alphabetically)


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Perhaps the single most consistent annoyance I have with Accordance is the apparently deliberate decision not to respect my (and, if libraries are any indication, nearly every other human's) desire to look for a resource alphabetically. Anytime I add a new resource, I have to jump through far too many hoops to ensure that it is located alphabetically where I am most likely to find it quickly during a future session. For instance, I purchased the Fortress Commentary series the other day. When I could not find it in the Commentary section after 2-3 minutes, I remembered that I had to alphabetize it. Manually! 2-3 minutes later, I remembered how to do that (buried in the "Appearance" settings, rather than option in the Library pane?). I returned to my work and attempted to open the commentary, only to find that the list skipped the F's. "What the F?" I thought, literally. Then I found it at the bottom. "Oh right. I have to manually alphabetize the Commentaries section now." Then I remembered that meant I had to manually alphabetize every other category, because I had purchased 4-5 resources, but couldn't quite remember which category they would be under. 10 minutes later, I was able to return to my work... having forgotten why I needed the Fortress commentary in the first place. I get that there is a particularly useful role that free organization of resources can play, but to be forced into this when my entire life has been trained to seek things out alphabetically (and especially since I can remember the title of a resource) is absurd for a resource that is effectively a library on my computer.




Feature Request: a single button in the Library pane that categorizes and alphabetizes _everything_. Add a popup warning that this cannot be undone if necessary. Better yet, allow us to set certain resources as favorites, where they are then at the top of the list in alphabetical order. Or maybe allow us a flag that exempts certain resources from said alphabetizing, thereby preserving their manual location. (Preferably, I would like this as a default option when a resource is added, but maybe that's a bridge too far)


Second feature request: If these things are already present, make them defaults or painfully obvious for us older users to find. I should not have to spend 10 minutes getting my library back to a logical category-based, alphabetized collection every time I make a purchase, especially since I don't buy often enough to really get the process down to the (at best) 3-minute process it is.

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There is a gear wheel where you can alphabetise.


i am not sure if you can do it for whole library, this help file is for just a category.


I do it by folder on my ipad as i mainly have folders organised by my most used resources to least used and i have lots of sub folders for grouping as the order in a folder also affects the order resources open in instant details. 

but i try to remember to organise my library when i make a purchase or download from easy install as i know it will always be put at the end of my list. Like you, it is not something i do very frequently these days as i have most of the resources i need from the store and am now adays just keeping my eye out for new items that are added to the store which have been requested by forum members. 


https://accordancefiles2.com/helpfiles/14-macOS/index.htm#t=mac_14%2Fcontent%2Ftopics%2F04_gswa%2Forganize_library_items.htm&rhsearch=Alphabetize&rhhlterm=alphabetize alphabetical

Edited by ukfraser
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You can alphabetize modules by category. We don't have it for the entire library yet. I generally take a second to check any new modules and alphabetize the category when they come in.


You can also set some resources as "favorites" my moving them to the top of a category, then putting a separator under them. That's what I've generally done.


This would make for a good few minute screencast. I'd be happy to whip one up.

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Nathan, I think I get what you’re describing. That part of my suggestion was more to go hand-in-hand with a global “categorize and alphabetize” function, since some people who definitely want to keep some resources out of that mix.


I will be cautiously optimistic about your “yet.” For a person like me, who searches for a resource by subconsciously looking for “type” followed by “name,” the way Accordance does it is maddening. I understand the approach, but it seems to only cater to one type of user. I cannot stress how useful the ability to simply categorize and alphabetize everything with the click of a button (though ideally by default) would be. Here’s hoping you all can get it in.



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I like the idea of some form of global "sort all categories alphabetically" option. I could certainly file a feature request for it.

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I'll file this feature request today.

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