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User tools not readable on macos


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It probably doesn't help that I'm an inconsistent user of Accordance now, especially since retiring from active parish ministry. So I don't really keep up with development etc. All of which is to acknowledge that my question may have been covered already (though I did search before posting).

So anyway ... I have a small set of custom user tools which I made several years back. Most of them are Revised Common Lectionary related. I was looking at one on my phone this morning (iOS16), and it was most cooperative 😉 . Then I came home wanting to pick it up on my desktop mac (macOS 13.4.1, iMac M1). Behold I can't open the same tool on the mac. And the files are greyed out in Finder.

Can someone please help me to sort this. Thank you. 

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What version of Accordance on your Mac?

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I tried tagging the OP with the version, but it doesn't look like that's come up. Anyway the version is 14.0.7.


There's now a bit more I could add to the picture. I've since noticed that I can't edit user notes on my phone. I can read them just fine, and edits appear to work. (Certainly no errors). But if I open the note again it's still as it was before the edit.


Another thing is that I have Accordance files scattered all over the place on my computer. Presumably reflecting development changes over many years? (I've been running Accordance since maybe about v3). There are some in ~/Dropbox/Apps/Accordance, another lot in iCloud Drive/Documents/Accordance Files, and still more in ~/Library/Application Support/Accordance. I don't know if that's how it should be or if some of them are 'history' and should be deleted. At any rate, I have user notes and tools in both Dropbox and iCloud, some of them duplicates of each other, and with varied file extensions (including no extension).


So I'm guessing all that is some of my problem? I've no idea where to start as far as cleaning it up.

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Thanks for the followup! I'd recommend emailing support on this one so we can work with you personally.

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  • 1 month later...

I am sorry, I misspoke on this. Tech support in the main office only works on Accordance material.


Hopefully another Accordance user on here will chime in with some suggestions for you. 

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Thanks, Nathan. Is this a reply to my message through the "Contact Us" link, or to my email?

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I replied here on the forums since I originally misspoke in my first answer to you. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi again,


This is a continuation of this topic, from a different angle. I've managed to tidy up my user notes and tools, largely. But I'm stuck at another point. I have several tools, with two identical sets of them. One set is in ~/Documents, the other in ~/Dropbox. I want to use the latter, because that's more functional for sharing between devices. But Accordance seems to be 'hard-wired' (so to speak) to read and write to the former. I can't find a way to fix that. Can someone help? I'm hoping this is now an Accordance issue, not a user files issue (though I'm a bit confused about that distinction).

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You could move your Accordance Files folder into your Dropbox folder then tell Accordance to access it, but I don't recommend it. I'd recommend leaving it in Documents for now.


If you have Dropbox syncing enabled, Dropbox will sync your User Content between devices. We'll be replacing Dropbox with Enhanced Syncing in 14.1, so you'll likely want to move to that.

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Thanks Nathan. What would you think of the idea of using the app "Sync Folders" to keep the contents of "~/Documents/Accordance/User Notes[&Tools]" and "~/Dropbox/Accordance/User Notes[&Tools]" in sync?


When is 14.1 anticipated? And is there some pre-release info about it somewhere?

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I wouldn't use the app "Sync Folders" to do that. Something could go wrong or be corrupted. Dropbox sync inside Accordance is going to do this for you if it's setup and functioning correctly.


Our programmers are working on enhanced syncing (Sonoma and a couple other bug fix updates took priority. When we release 14.1, we'll have an announcement up on our announcements thread, and I'm sure we'll have training videos and webinars about it.

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