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Accordance Imported User Tools - Unable to Rename


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\Good evening,


I have several sermons in PDF format that I occasionally import into Accordance as a user tool. Over the years, I've noticed that I only have one opportunity to name the user tool during the import process. Once imported, I am able to change the name of the user tool. However, when I attempt to open it, Accordance throws an error message indicating that the file is unavailable, resulting in the permanent loss of the imported sermon. To regain access, I must go through the process of re-importing and re-formatting the file. I recently upgraded to Accordance 14, hoping that this issue would have been resolved, but unfortunately, it persists. Have any of you encountered this problem? If so, are there any workarounds? It never fails that I forget about this glitch and unintentionally trigger the error when attempting to rename an old user tool, leading to the frustrating loss of my file.

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Hi @Eect,

I am sorry you are experiencing this. It has been a while since I have had this issue, but the problem seems to be an issue with Accordance needing to rename itself in two places, and it forgets to do so.


When you rename anything, it is renamed in Accordance, but it ALSO needs to be renamed in the actual module in the Accordance folder in your Documents. The program should do this for you, but sometimes it doesn't.


What I have found works is to close Accordance, go to the my documents and rename it there, then from there double click it to open Accordance and it should be there. Even files you have "lost" might still be there in your documents under the old name. I can't guarantee it, but if you hunt for them there, you might be able to find them and rename them to make them match the name the Accordance program is using.


My recollection (it was a few months ago), is that @Tech Support was aware of this and was going to fix this bug, but I might be mistaken.


I hope this helps some.



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I'll file it as a bug report and see if I can get a status update on it.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Kristin! As soon as I read your reply I tested it out however, I saw that the user tool name was also updated within the "My Documents" folder :(. So not really sure why Accordance is saying it can't find the file?  Sights.. I was soo excited thinking this was the workaround I was looking for. Oh well, thanks again for your reply :)!


Thanks, Nathan!

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Kristin, I missed your step on opening the user tool from the Accordonace Files > User Tools folder. Once I did that, I was able to get your workaround to work :) Thank you! Oddly enough, Accordance creates a copy of the user file that has the old name.. I just delete that file and all is well. Thanks again!

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