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strange visual artifact in text pane

A. Smith

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A strange bar, the same color as the text background but with some shadow/highlighting, appears in my primary text pane when I use NA28 (sigla). The bar goes away if I resize the notes pane to cover that portion of the text pane. This artifact persists regardless of text background or magnifying the zone. It also persists after restarts. It does not seem to affect any other texts. It only obscures the text of the text pane. Instant detail popups and whatever else cover it with no problem. It stays in the same spot regardless of scrolling. Screenshot2023-06-27at08_51_29.thumb.png.4473acf7f888d8ae974cfccd9ef250f5.pngScreenshot2023-06-27at08_51_19.thumb.png.73e18bc6eef077d04f812253ddaf98a3.pngScreenshot2023-06-27at08_51_29.thumb.png.a982f5751fa85bfdad179075eb53c297.png

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Can you both let me know what OS version? Also, have you tried running Accordance in Safe Mode?

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OK, give that a try and see if it corrects it. If it doesn't, I'll get it reported.

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I think @A. Smith reported a different phenomenon than @Donovan R. Palmer. I have see the former. It is like a ghost image of the horizontal scroll bar. I see it when cycling through tabs. It I cycle beyond to subsequent tags in the workspace and return, it disappears. I did find it again today in the lower right corner of this screenshot:




Accordance for Mac 14.0.6, [Mac OS 13.4.1 2021 16 inch 2021 MacBook Pro Apple M1 Pro 16 GB]

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Thanks! I'll go ahead and report this one.

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14 hours ago, Michael J. Bolesta said:

I think @A. Smith reported a different phenomenon than @Donovan R. Palmer. I have see the former. It is like a ghost image of the horizontal scroll bar. I see it when cycling through tabs. It I cycle beyond to subsequent tags in the workspace and return, it disappears. I did find it again today in the lower right corner of this screenshot:




Accordance for Mac 14.0.6, [Mac OS 13.4.1 2021 16 inch 2021 MacBook Pro Apple M1 Pro 16 GB]


Yes. I've experience both of these problems. But the highlighting bug hasn't happened in a while, and not at all with v14. The phantom bar is quite persistent and I've only seen it with verse 14. For me, it's only on NA28 but this could be because it's the only module I've spent substantial time on in quite a while. 

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Thanks for the feedback on this!

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