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Easy Install Hanging Up

Richard Conaway

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When I open Easy Install it comes up blank and does not populate. I can mouseover the parts and the titles show up but otherwise it doesn't budge. When I click the close button on the main program suddenly the download bar shows up saying downloading but nothing happens. I have to forcibly close the program. I have restarted the computer but it is the same.


I have recently upgraded to ver. 14 if that matters.


Thank you.

Edited by Richard Conaway
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What version of 14?

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It is 14.0.6


Oh, and if it matters, the main program still works fine while the Easy Install is hung up.

Edited by Richard Conaway
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Strange! I thought 14.0.6 resolved some issues here. I'd reach out to Tech Support by email on this one. I'm monitoring their inbox, so I'll make sure you get an answer to this Monday.

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Any information on this yet?

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I haven't seen your email come into our Tech Support email box yet. Did you send it?

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I must have misunderstood. I sent it in now though.


Thank you.

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Great. We're on it for you.

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