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Very Slow, Even Slower Now

C. J. Fang

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The Accordance software on Windows used to be much slower than the Mac. version, but recently it's very slow and lagged. It's like when you click something, it takes 2 seconds to respond. I'm wondering if this is how others experience as well, and especially if there's any fix?

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What version are you on? 14.0.5 has corrected most of those issues.

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The software version is It does corrected most other issues, but I noticed it has become much slower than before. Thanks

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Seems as fast or faster to me...

It may help to try cleanup... Hold ALT key when you start to get Safe Start.

Choose all the Clean Up options before launching.

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Try the cleanup options that @mgvh recommended. If you're still having issues, let us know. We're about to put 14.0.6 into testing, so that might resolve some of your issues as well (once released).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've resintalled the Windows 11 and the Accordance software. It's still slower than before. Sometimes it took 1-3 seconds for a click to respond. 

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I have 14.0.6 and it seems fine.  This apparently has something to do with your installation specifically.  I had some weird errors where things such as infer searches were moving like they were stuck in cement.  I did the safe start and rebuilt texts and tools.  It fixed it all for me.  If using the safe start and clearing your caches and your startup session don't correct your issue, you might try that.  Warning, though.  It will cause you to have to reinstall a lot if not all of your resources.

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