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Highlighting not available in User Tools with 14.0.5

Mark Allison

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This might have already been reported, but I'm not able to highlight in User Tools in 14.0.5. The option is grayed-out. 

Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 9.44.19 AM.png

Edited by Mark Allison
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Bug confirmed on my setup - Accordance 14.0.5, Windows 11.


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Thanks! I’ll report this.

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  • 5 months later...
On 5/22/2023 at 6:27 AM, Mark Allison said:

This might have already been reported, but I'm not able to highlight in User Tools in 14.0.5. The option is grayed-out. 



+1. Please restore highlighting in User Tools. Thanks!

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By the way, did this work prior to 14.0.5?

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I don't remember when it stopped working. It may have never worked in version 14.

It is possible to add or delete a User Tool highlight in Accordance for iOS. Then when you sync the file, you can see the highlight in Accordance for Mac. But the highlight is not editable in Accordance for Mac. 

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Thanks for the update! 

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  • 2 months later...

Hey there—

Any update on this? It would be a major help to be able to highlight my User Tools, as I can in any other app I open them in (PDFs, ebooks, etc.). Thanks!


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I've been told it never worked in User Tools, only when User Tools are converted to Permanent Tools.


We could add it as a Feature Request.

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On 1/27/2024 at 12:55 PM, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

I've been told it never worked in User Tools, only when User Tools are converted to Permanent Tools.


We could add it as a Feature Request.

Hi Nathan:


That's not correct. As I indicated in a previous post, highlighting most certainly used to work in User Tools. It currently works in Accordance for iOS, but is buggy. When syncing iOS with Mac, the highlight shows up in the User Tool on Accordance for Mac. But it is uneditable as a highlight in the desktop version.  What we're asking for is restored functionality of highlighting in User Tools for our desktop versions of Accordance as well as debugging of highlighting functionality in User Tools on Accordance for iOS.




This screenshot is of a User Tool created and highlighted on a previous version of Accordance for Mac.




This screenshot is a User Tool that was created on Accordance for Mac, highlighted on Accordance for iOS, then synced back to Mac. 




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Good to know. Thanks! Let me dig into this further.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The help lists being able to highlight as an advantage of converting a User Tool to an Imported Tool (a.k.a. Permanent Tool): "By doing so, you can add User Notes, apply Highlights and perform full content searches as for other Tools." So if highlighting does work, it may be an unintended feature. Or it may be that the help is out of date.

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I asked around on this. We've never been able to get highlighting to work in non-permanent tools on any of our User Tools, so I'm not sure why this was ever partially working for some. Probably best to add this as a "Feature Request" so we could consider officially adding it in the future.

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Thanks for checking on this, Nathan!


Now that Convert to Permanent Tool has been fixed in Accordance 14.0.9, this restores the ability to highlight User Tools once they are converted. However, it would be nice to be able to have highlighting functionality in non-permanent User Tools since I have a number of User Tools that undergo periodic updating/editing. Thanks again for the update!

Edited by Max Carlton
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Sounds good. Post a request in "Feature Requests" so we can track it.

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