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Inconsistent Highlights Across Texts

David Rodriguez

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Does anyone know why some highlights are available on all texts and some are only available in 1 text? For example, some of my highlights are available in ESVS and NASB, but some aren’t and I don’t know why some are and some aren’t. I use iOS and MacOS and use dropbox to sync my highlights. What am I missing?

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If you highlight the whole verse, I believe it should transfer from translation to translation. If you highlight less than the verse, it won’t. 

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I did not know this Jordan, thanks for the information. Yes, highlighting just the verse number/reference will highlight across other Bible texts. A cool thing to know. 😁



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I did know that. That's a bit of a bummer because now I have inconsistent highlights. Is there anything that can be done to sync them all?

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