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2 Cor word biblical commentary


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Hi all,


I’m finally getting around to reading the powers of darkness by Clinton Arnold. On page 130 he says, “some strands of Jewish tradition actually believe that Satan did disguise himself as an angle of light when he tempted Eve…” the footnote doesn’t give any info on this. 😞


instead he references where he obtained this. Word biblical commentary 2 Corinthians Martin pg 351. 

I’m just too cheap to pay $60 for a volume where I just need the references. Lol does anyone have this volume that’s bored enough to copy and paste the sources for me? 

it would be appreciated to say the very least. 

Also, if anyone knows of any papers, books, etc written about stoicheia (elemental spirits/ basic principles) I’d love to hear about it. (I think I have all the dictionaries accordance has to offer in the subject.) this is prob the most fascinating thing about this book. 





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Its from edition 1 not the updated edition 2 and there is an abbreviation apocmos to the apocalypse of Moses and this is a small sample from the page so i dont think it breaches the forum copyright guideline and i hope you enjoy your continued digging.  There are further references if you require them let me know. 


The link between the opponents and the source of their mischief follows a maximlike form, ὁ δοῦλος ὡς ὁ κύριος αὐτοῦ, Matt 10:25 (Plummer, 309: “Like master, like man”). The middle term is the ability to clothe oneself in a form (σχῆμα) which is deceptive (reverting to δόλιοι in v 13; but the reference to the much earlier discussion in 3:18, proposed by Fallon, 97, seems “farfetched,” in both senses!). Where Paul derived the scenario of Satan’s disguise is not certain. The story in Gen 3 holds no reference to Satan’s becoming “an angel of light”; nor indeed to Satan at all. The nearest canonical parallel is Job 1:6–12 (Windisch, 342). The closest parallel is the pseudepigraphical Life of Adam and Eve 9:1 where Satan changed himself into the shining form of the angels and joined in a discussion with Eve. This story connects with 11:3 which relates Eve’s deception by the snake, which is closely associated with the devil in Jewish, Christian, and gnostic texts (see above). Similarly in ApocMos 17:1, Eve, in recalling this incident, describes Satan as appearing in the form of an angel: “and he sang hymns like the angels. Then I bent over the wall and saw him, [looking] like an angel.” Yet nowhere is the precise expression ἄγγελος φωτός, or its equivalent found. Paul evidently is writing [vol. 40, p. 352] ad hoc.; and there is much evidence that the idiom is not strange to him. Already in 4:6; 6:14–7:1, he has used the antithesis of light/darkness to denote a moral contrast (cf Col 1:12, 13; Eph 5:11–14; 6:12); in rabbinic Judaism there is the tradition that prior to his fall Satan was a glorious angel (K. L. Schmidt, “Luzifer als gefallene Engelsmacht,” ThZ 7 [1951] 261–79); ἄγγελος will be used to denote satanic force in 12:7; and the purveyors of erroneous teaching are likened to an “angel from heaven” (ἄγγελος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ) in Gal 1:8, an idea that Prümm, Diakonia 1:629, wants to press on the analogy that the rivals’ claim to be “apostles” is seen in their role as (Satan’s) “messengers” (an alternative meaning of ἄγγελος). From all the data it looks as though the ascription to Satan of the role as an “angel of light” is Paul’s own work, still there is ample background material on which he could have drawn.

Edited by ukfraser
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I read his Reversing Hermon and the Unseen Realm. Both are good overviews of Enoch. You might want to start with the simper work Supernatural though, as the Unseen Realm is tough to wrap your head around at first read.

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I haven’t read those yet, but I have them saved on Scribd.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I’ve read all of Heisers books BUT Supernatural. Hahaha


also, I have John Waltons whole series on The Lost World. Working through them now. 

it’s really interesting. Gives a whole new perspective on “little gods” and monotheism. 

im currently in Cuba. This is giving me a good read in the airport. 

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Supernatural is just an abridged Unseen Realm. If you've read Unseen Realm, you've covered it all.


I've read a couple of Walton's Lost World books. I should probably read the rest.


I'll be flying to Israel next summer for a month. I'll need some reading lists for that long flight. :-)

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