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Can't sync w/ Dropbox on new Mac Air M2

Vaughn Arthur

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Hi everyone.


I have been running Accordance 13, and now 14, on PC, but I just got a new MacBook Air (I am still trying to figure out the Mac, I'm much more familiar with PCs). I am not a power Accordance user, but am trying to spend more time in the program, and hope that the portability of this MacBook will help with that. I had no problem installing Accordance 14 on the Mac and downloading my library, but cannot get it to sync (Stacks and Current Session) with Dropbox. Every time I try to sync I just get an error message saying my system has run out of application memory, the Mac freezes up and I have to force quit. I reboot and make sure that nothing else is running, but the same thing happens every time. Any ideas? 


The Mac has the M2 chip and 8 GB RAM. I spent over an hour on the phone with Apple Support this morning. We went through all kinds of things, they believe it is either an Accordance issue or a Dropbox issue. 

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Hi @Vaughn Arthur,

I am glad you called Apple, as that had actually been my thought too. I think I agree with Apple that it is an Accordance issue since it seems to be syncing part of Accordance, just not all of it. So it sounds like an Accordance setting or bug. The part which is odd is that it makes the computer freeze. It sounds like a compatibility issue. Apart from that, I don't really have a clue what could be going on, but I have a few ideas for diagnostic purposes.

1) I would totally clear all my cookies for Dropbox and re-sign in. I don't really think this would matter, but it would be worth trying.

2) I think one of the first things I would try is to eliminate Accordance as a variable. To do this, try syncing the same devices syncing something else other than Accordance. If your computer is fine with it, it would point to it being an Accordance issue. If the issue persists, it would be either Dropbox or the computer.

3) If you have a different Dropbox account, or if you are able to create another for this, I would try syncing Accordance with the different account.

Those are the ideas coming to mind.


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Have you tried unlinking from Dropbox and relinking with Dropbox? If that doesn’t work, this one might warrant reaching out to Accordance Tech Support.

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Thank you Kristin, I will try those ideas and see if any of them works. 

In reading your reply, I realize that I mis-spoke, the computer doesn't freeze, but Accordance freezes. I'll post the results of these efforts tomorrow. Thanks again for the suggestions!


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Thanks Nathan, yes, I did unlink Dropbox and relink it. I also changed it to manual sync and tried the items one at a time and everything could sync except stacks and session. I then unchecked everything and tried each of those separately as the only item being synced, but each time it froze up. 

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Thanks for the update! If you continue to have issues, it might be good to reach out to Tech Support on this one. I wonder if one of the files in your Dropbox is corrupt.

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8 hours ago, Vaughn Arthur said:

I realize that I mis-spoke, the computer doesn't freeze, but Accordance freezes.


Hi @Vaughn Arthur,
I am glad to hear this! Though it is frustrating that the Accordance issue isn't addressed yet, it is for sure a much smaller issue than if the computer itself was freezing.

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