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How can I copy text with highlights?


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Is it possible to copy the highlighted text into a word document, with the hightlight?
Otherwise the highlights are not that valuable for me, if I cant copy it... .


Is there a way?! Would be awesome to have this hightlights in a word document!










Maybe similarto this question?




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I have not discovered a way to maintain highlights when copying from Accordance to other programs. The only way for me is to print to PDF

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33 minutes ago, mbcvida said:

I have not discovered a way to maintain highlights when copying from Accordance to other programs. The only way for me is to print to PDF

Thanks for your reply...

that's sad, it would be awesome if there would be a way!

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I’ll add this as a feature request. I’ll leave it in this forum since it’s a general discussion.

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  • 10 months later...

Any news about this feature?

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I have moved this to Feature Requests so we can better track it. No news to share on it. We'll update here if/when we do.

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