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Verse Lookup

Richard Conaway

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I had a tab show up called Verse Lookup. It has a verse from many translations. Interesting. What did I do to make it show up? What is its purpose? What does it do? It looks like it could be useful.


Thank you.

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Mine doesn't say verse look up, but the text browser tab does what you describe.


Just click the text browser icon and the verse from the ref in the top window of your browser will open in a number of versions. 



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Verse Lookup and Text Browser are the same. (It has been suggested to Accordance that they name them the same, and it really should be something like "Version Comparison.")

Text Browser can be opened as a new tab.

Verse Lookup opens when you have it activated in Live Click and click on a verse reference in a text pane.

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Thank you.


Is there a setting to eliminate the versions you don't want? I can't find one. Alternatively, how do you uninstall a module? I doubt I'll be needing Chinese.


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To remove a module, right-click on it in library and click Remove Item, then if it asks you if you want to keep the file or send to trash, I’d send it to trash.


You can always reinstall through Easy Install if need be.

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For the Verse Lookup / Text Browser, also remember that you can create your own groups of texts and then use that as the collection of texts that display.

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How do you create groups of texts? I can't find any information of how to do that. I am on Accordance 13.3.

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Open Library

Scroll down to My Stuff

Right c;ick My Groups > Add Folder

Give name to folder

Scroll up to Texts

Right click on a text you want in the group > Add to User Group > select group


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You are so helpful. Thank you. One more question. OK, I've got that done. I see that I can highlight text and then search in each individual text in my new Group. Is there anything else that can be done with this feature?

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3 hours ago, Richard Conaway said:

You are so helpful. Thank you. One more question. OK, I've got that done. I see that I can highlight text and then search in each individual text in my new Group. Is there anything else that can be done with this feature?

Groups are very handy. I have a bunch of them.

1) Note that items within a group can be ordered. Just drag them up / down in the folder. So, e.g., I have a group of English translations roughly organized from 'literal' to dynamic / functional to paraphrase. (See my blog post for a listing.)

2) I have other ordered groups for my favorite lexicons, collection of Greek texts, favorite commentaries ...

3) Groups can be used in a bunch of places besides Verse Lookup / Text Browser. E.g., Word Usage: I can find usage of a Greek word in Pseudepigrapha, Josephus, Philo, etc. which are in a Greek texts group. I use my favorite lexicons in the Lexicon Lookup tab.


(BTW, one way to 'thank' people on this forum is to give a 'like.' Helps my 'reputation' standing on this forum.)

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