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Any News on User Tools Functionality from 13 to 14?

Patrick Dirrim

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I upgraded from 13 to 14 on Nov 30, 2022 and found that the User Tools were not compatible because 14 renders them in Unicode while 13 does not.  Since I use my User Tools multiple times weekly, I found 14 untenable and reverted back to 13 on Dec 3, 2022. 


I was curious if 14 can now accept an upgrade from 13 while maintaining full functionality with the User Tools created in 13.  


Thanks for the help on this!

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Accordance 14 User Tools won’t open in 13, so you’ll need to either edit your user tools on 13 or install 14 on all of your devices.


We are working on adding support for 14 User Tools in Mobile.

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I don't think you answered the question. Can user tools for 13 be made compatible with 14?

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User Tools in 13 can open in 14 and will be “upgraded” to the new 14 format when you edit them. Once you edit them in 14 though, they won’t open in 13.

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:o Accordance should give a warning the first time saving an edited v. 13 tool in 14. Better yet, it should save a backup copy of the pre-14 version of the tool (with an obvious name like MyTool-ForAccordancePreV14) and inform the user of this and the backup's location when saving the tool in 14 for the first time. All of this should be documented in Accordance Help.

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I believe we documented it somewhere, but may we didn’t make it clear enough.

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  • 1 month later...

@Daniel L Question sir.  Did you upgrade from 13 to 14 and, if so, are your user notes from 13 fully functional in 14?  Thanks for the feedback sir.  

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@Nathan Parker

I basically have the same question for you as I did for Daniel.  Will my user tools created in 13 have full functionality in 14 if I do the upgrade?  Thanks. 

Edited by dirrimp
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The only issue I'm aware of (purely from personal experience) is that you can't highlight a user tool in the current version of 14. I'm sure there will be a fix for this asap though. 

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Yep, me too. I use my User Tools way too much for them to not be fully functional so now matter how much I want v.14, I'm going to wait until they are. 

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By the way, the iOS app is supporting Accordance 14 User Tools now.

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