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Mac so-called "Services" when serching Hebrew


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In Hebrew when I want to search the lex, I usually can't click on the entire word, but I need to rather select just the middle since it would otherwise search for all the stuff connected to the word.


As a random example, in Gen 1:21 for לְמִֽינֵהֶ֗ם, if I want the lex, so I tap the נֵ, and press "search lex" it brings up the lex search of =לְ =מִין [SUFFIX]


Therefore, I rather need to actively select מִֽינֵ and THEN press search lex, and that will bring up =מִין [SUFFIX] . I then delete "SUFFIX]"  and move on with my work.


All of this to say, sometimes when I am in the process of actively selecting the letters I want, and right click to press "search lex" instead I get this funny little "Services" box, which I think is something coming from my Mac. So then I click off of it and try again.


What is this "Services"? I have seen on the forums people use it, so it must do something. Likewise, is there a way to get Accordance/Mac, whatever causing it to appear, to get it to stop doing it?


It doesn't normally happen, it just sometimes happens when I do the steps I wrote above. So it is not clear to me what I am doing to get it to appear, since it doesn't always happen.


(On a side note, why does it ALSO search for "suffix" when I actively only click on מִֽינֵ?)

Thanks for any info anyone has,


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Apple Services are described here: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/use-services-in-apps-mchlp1012/mac

The Accordance Services that work with Apple's Services menu are found here: https://www.accordancefiles1.com/exchange/downloads/Accordance_Services.zip


Why sometimes the right click menu in Mac Accordance shows the services menu is something @Silas Marrs or @Mike Garrity will have to answer, but you are correct that trying to right click again will show the regular Accordance right-click menu.



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Moving this to General Accordance Topics since it applies to Accordance. That’ll give it more visibility among Accordance users.

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