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I just found out the "concordance" function.


For example I am searching for all the [KEY H2199] and then go to concordance






then I go to "search range only" image.thumb.png.dbb5d48b5d22b47df4f967385e021aa6.png



The result is something like this... but there are much more Verses than the 84 that are showed if you search for the KEY!






How can I use this result... or how can I copy all of them and only get the 84 results! But I want them as in the accordance sorted after the different "word uses"

I am thankful for all help!



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Select the Concordance Tab and press Command-T (Mac) or Control-T (Windows). Enter something like 10000 where I've circled in the image below and make sure you press the "Use as Default" button.



Edited by Mark Allison
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What @Mark Allison suggests does make all verses visible, but the real issue is that the Concordance displays hits in the New Testament for a search on Hebrew Key word. What the Hebrew key word search appears to do is find all the key words, find all the English words used to translate that word in the English version, and then the Concordance displays hits of all the English words (not hits with just the Hebrew key word).


Now hits with just the Hebrew key word are what is displayed in the pane with the results of the search, so I'm not sure what extra is gained with the Concordance only showing OT hits.


If you are just looking for all the English words used in a version to translate a given Key word (or Hebrew/Greek original), then the Analysis view is what you want. Customize the display to show only the English words.


And note that the new Word Usage and Word Study features makes it easy to get results in all tagged English versions.

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45 minutes ago, mgvh said:

Word Usage

whats that? is this new in 14

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3 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

Select the Concordance Tab and press Command-T (Mac) or Control-T (Windows). Enter something like 10000 where I've circled in the image below and make sure you press the "Use as Default" button.




i don't get it... what is it doing?

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Yes, Word Usage and Word Study are new in Acc 14. They are quick ways to bring up info of how a word is used, translation comparisons, lexicons, visuals...

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14 minutes ago, mgvh said:

Yes, Word Usage and Word Study are new in Acc 14. They are quick ways to bring up info of how a word is used, translation comparisons, lexicons, visuals...

cool! I already use word study... but where is the "word usage" tool?

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16 hours ago, Dan12 said:

cool! I already use word study... but where is the "word usage" tool?

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