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uploading user bible vs. full name of user bible


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I apologize for this question, as I have asked something similar before, but I am still confused.


When I upload a User Bible, it asks for the name twice. I really only have one question, but I will number the sections to try to be organized:


1) The first step is the name of the file, such as Jan 23 in the example. I had been thinking I could call it RECENT, then every time I make new version (with the true month name), duplicate it, write over "RECENT" and re-upload it. This will obviously work, but is it necessary given the second step?


2) In other words, for the first step could I just upload the true name, such as Jan 23, Feb 23, or whatever, then in the second step of the so-called "full name of text" call it RECENT and will it write over the last file I had called RECENT?


3) If I upload Jan 23 OT and Jan 23 NT, then in the "full name" part call them RECENT OT and RECENT NT and combine them as RECENT TRANSLATION. Then in March could I upload Feb 23 OT and CALL the name of the text RECENT OT and then upload Feb NT and CALL it RECENT NT, and will that auto-update the combined text and write over the recent file?

4) Also, with the "info" can I update the little info box each time?


I hope this makes sense. It is always a nightmare uploading new texts since it usually takes 4 or 5 tries before it recognizes it to combine it, so I am hoping I can simplify the process with this bogus "RECENT" but I am hoping that I don't have to literally duplicate my file and re-write over a "RECENT" to upload.


Thank you for any thoughts anyone has.






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I tried it out, and this is what I found:


The 3 'things' are distinct:

  • Filename = pre-import source (e.g. "March 2023.txt")
  • New Bible name = post-import user Bible (e.g. "MT")
  • Full name of text = bibliographic entry (e.g. "My Translation of the Gospels from March 2023").

The filename is your text file. From what I can see, once you've imported your user Bible, Accordance doesn't care what you do with the ".txt" file. Accordance should only read from (not write to) this file, so it should not corrupt the file. But if you prefer, you can copy it and import the copied file. You can name the copied file anything the operating system permits - e.g. "recent.txt" or even the default name like "Copy of March 2023.txt". Accordance doesn't care about this except to know which file to import. So after importing, you can do whatever you want with it - discard it, edit it, etc. So you can use "recent.txt" as your source file every time if you like.


The "New Bible name" is the name of the file Accordance generates as a result of the import. You should use whatever name you want to see in your Accordance library. I found that if I import into the same "New Bible name", Accordance replaces the old "New Bible name" with the recently-imported Bible. It adds a little o (degree) symbol after the name to mark it as a user Bible. If you named the Bible "RECENT", Accordance will create the file and put it into the Accordance system folder as Modules/Texts/RECENTo (the 'o' might appear as a superscript). See Accordance's notes: <https://accordancefiles2.com/helpfiles/OSX13/content/topics/05_dd/import_your_bible.htm>.


"New Bible name" is a real file in the system, so importing into the same name should result in an update. I don't know whether you'll need to recombine your OT and NT files - give it a try and see.


The "Full name of text" only appears as a tool-tip when you mouse-over the Bible name in Accordance. I'm not sure where else it is used. "Full name of text" is not a real file. It's just bibliographic data, along with "Other text information". When importing a second file, I found that Accordance kept the previous information as the default entries (which is a bit weird), but I could edit it to make it relevant to the second import.


If you want to backup your imported Bible, you'll need to backup the "Modules/Texts/" folder. Your source ".txt" files exist outside Accordance, so these will need to be backed up separately.


So other than what happens when you combine custom OT and NT and then update the pieces, it looks like you can do what you intended. The combine + update might work as well; I just haven't tried it out.


(Disclaimer: Accordance doesn't employ me. Bugginess can pop up at any time. Use the above info at your own risk.)

Edited by Lawrence
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Hi @Lawrence,

Thank you very much for your detailed response. Though I have been uploading User Bibles for a long time now (so I am well familiar with the mysterious 'o' and the fact that it preserves the name of the last import), I have found most of the process very confusing (especially the three names, as you clarified above).


I think given what you said, I am going to try uploading totally different files, with totally different names, and then for the second and third steps you listed, I will call them RECENT and see if it overwrites what I currently have.


Every few months I duplicate my work and re-name it as a new month. So my last work I imported was Jan23, and now I am working on Apr23. Normally I just upload the new files, create a new combination, etc etc. This time (right before I posted this, I duplicated Jan23, renamed it Apr23, then I duplicated Apr23 and called it RECENT and uploaded it and combined it.


Given what you wrote, I think I am going to actually upload Apr23 and name it RECENT in Accordance and see what happens. I hope that works, as it would really simplify my life.


Concerning your disclaimer, that was kind of you to mention, but I am actually not worried about it. While the world knows that I have had Highlight and Note corruption, I have thankfully never had any corruption issues with user bibles, so I am not worried experimenting a little. Then, even if something happens with the import, I still have everything preserved on my Mac.


I think I will have done enough work in the next few hours to warrant an update, so I will try to upload Apr23 and will respond back with what happened.


Thank you again,


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Hi @Lawrence.

I just tried uploading Apr23OT as RECENTOT and it replaced it without a problem! I tried my combined text, and it updated that too! Thank you very much for your help! :)

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Hi @john_2022,

I have not personally tried it, but I would assume it would, as long as you have the texts set up to sync. The User Bible looks different because it has this funny little 'o' next to it, but other than that, the program treats it as any other text. So I assume it would just sync along with the rest of the biblical texts being synced.



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You have to manually sync User Bibles over Wi-Fi at the moment, although some of mine are stalling. Hope our syncing enhancements correct that.

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