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Explore the Book by J. SIdlow Baxter

Larry Wing

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I admit I have't read it in a long time but it's still on my library shelf. It's one of the first I read as a new Christian. My theology has changed but as I recall it was a good reference for a new Christian.

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"Explore the Book" has a special place in my heart too. We used it in my undergraduate degree program at Toccoa Falls College in the 1980s. I've created an Accordance module of it that I'll be glad to share with anyone who wants it. Just message me. 

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4 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

"Explore the Book" has a special place in my heart too. We used it in my undergraduate degree program at Toccoa Falls College in the 1980s. I've created an Accordance module of it that I'll be glad to share with anyone who wants it. Just message me. 

Yes, please Mark. Sidlow Baxter was a great bible expositor. Although he was from earlier generation I used to listen to recorded tapes of his sermons: brilliant stuff.  He led and and built up one of the finest churches in Edinburgh, Scotland. The same city that I pastored in for many years.   His reputation still stands and the same church still thrives today.  I'd love a copy of it, I'll message you my private email. 

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I wrote to Mark Allison about this also. I think I have every one of J. Sidlow Baxter's books in paper form. Obviously, no one will agree with everything in his (or anyone else's) writings, but there is much from which to benefit. I publicly thank Mark for doing this – way to go!

Edited by EricC
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  • 10 months later...

Reviving this to see interest.

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I have Explore the Book and Collected Works in my Accordance Library now. Not sure where I got it but it references Oak Tree in the About.


It was one of my first commentaries as a new Christian. I still use it for some quick summary thoughts.

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@Larry Wing Thanks! I might have overlooked them in my library.

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