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The Accordance version of the CBL

Randy Cue

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Why is the Accordance version of the CBL missing parts of it that the Logos version contains i.e. The Harmony of the Gospels, interlinears, and critical apparatuses? 

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It’s missing the interlinear since you can use the Accordance Interlinear to pull off the same functionality. I can send over a workspace screenshot if need be.


Accordance has other Gospel harmonies and apparatuses which is possibly why those didn’t get added to CBL, but I do enjoy the CBL editions as well. I could add them to our module request list.

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I know how I can use other interlinears and apparatuses and harmonies. I just wondered why the Accordance version was a pared down one from the original.

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I’ll go ahead and file those as a module request, and at my meeting next week with our licensing manager, I’ll try to find out what I can.

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