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Feedback for Podcasts

Dr. Nathan Parker

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If we were to start up a podcast similar to what Dr. J. did with “Lighting the Lamp”, how should we go about doing it?


  • How often would you want the podcast to be?
  • How long should each episode be?
  • What kind of content would you want to see in such a podcast?



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Podcasts are good for either 'show me' (demonstration) or 'chat to me' (casual listening - e.g. while commuting).

They tend to take a lot more time than reading, and libraries of podcasts are difficult to search.


My preferences regarding "how should we go about it" are related to organising the library of podcasts, rather than individual podcasts themselves:

1. Each file should be tagged with keywords, at least. Better if transcripts are available.

2. Keywords should be searchable.

3. There should be some logic to the set of keywords used. Have a page listing all the keywords. Maybe put them into a semantic map or hierarchical chart.

4. Clicking a keyword should do a search for all podcasts tagged with that keyword.

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in addition, i liked the way LtL had various grouping, look at these first, how to... and look at resources. 

For me

duration, less than 15 minutes, average about 10 minutes, 
Subject, thats hard, very focused and dont be tempted to drift on to settings if you are talking about a product, either a feature or a tool or group of tools, particularly new or on sale

Frequency weekly or every two weeks

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Less than 10 minutes each

Features focus on helping new users, not just linguistic searching minutia 

  (shortcuts, workspaces, cross-reference leverage, exports, stacks, notes, highlights, web app, user tools, web browser)

Keep coming back to useful and time-saving features in a different way.  Don't assume because you did an LTL on the web browser, everyone remembers that.  Users need to be reminded of valuable features. 

How might a children's minister or youth minister or music minister use Accordance?

How might a plumber who just started a small group Bible study at his church use Accordance?

Think of unintended blessings of Accordance speed, utility and efficiency (in helping users learn the Bible) might be a blessing to a wider demographic (ministers, not just scholars; church volunteers, not just clergy) 

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I agree with the two comments above. I learned to use the main features of Accordance through Dr. J's personable style in LTL. I would keep the episodes to 10-15 minutes. Like the previous LTL episodes they should be varied and include "basics" and "advanced" levels. While the archived LTL episodes are still valuable the interface often appears dated needs updating. Three areas I would recommend would be:

1. key features

2. advanced techniques

3. practical usage

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2 hours ago, Tony Lawrence said:


1. key features

2. advanced techniques

3. practical usage

I really agree with this - there needs to be some advanced stuff for longer term users


The other thing I found useful when Dr J. did them was the introduction to a resource - I ended up purchasing things I wouldn't have normally until I saw it in action and got a sense of how it might help


Agree with everything else 10 to 15 minutes and not trying to replicate the webinars for detail

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Frequency: no particular preference. Maybe monthly? It really just depends on when there is something worth reviewing. 


Length: short, 10-15min. Keep it focused, and then I can decide if a given episode would be useful for me. 


Content: single topic, either covering a feature in the program (both desktop and mobile) or a resource. 


The previous podcasts are still there for people to use, especially the ones reviewing resources. There's no need to re-explain things previously covered, though episodes on features may need to be re-done as the program changes. 

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An index to the old and any new LTL segments would be wonderful. The index could include texts and tools featured, Accordance features, procedures, and components presented, as well as indexing Accordance use examples. I really miss the old LTL episodes!



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Probably too much of a pain to do this (unless an Accordance user wanted to contribute to it with a User Tool) but some form of Tool module that links to the podcast episodes would be fun.

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11 hours ago, Leopold Green said:

I really agree with this - there needs to be some advanced stuff for longer term users


The other thing I found useful when Dr J. did them was the introduction to a resource - I ended up purchasing things I wouldn't have normally until I saw it in action and got a sense of how it might help


Agree with everything else 10 to 15 minutes and not trying to replicate the webinars for detail


Agreed on all counts!

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Good suggestions above, around 10 minutes or even less and really focused.

Organization is really important to be able to find what you are looking for, otherwise they may not be viewed much.

Maybe even some shorter 5 minute ones highlighting various features and how to use them.

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I agree with the length (10-15 minutes)--an episode can be finished in a short drive to the office! 


That is a short time to really explain "how tos"--I wonder about testimonials from people who's study has been transformed by Accordance. Then the episode could reference a good video or webinar for the how-to information. I enjoy it when others show/tell how they benefit from Accordance and I learn a lot from that. 

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2 hours ago, Gary Pauley said:

That is a short time to really explain "how tos"--I wonder about testimonials from people who's study has been transformed by Accordance. Then the episode could reference a good video or webinar for the how-to information. I enjoy it when others show/tell how they benefit from Accordance and I learn a lot from that. 

What do you think of listening to an interviews of Bible scholars who use Accordance, having them discuss how they use Accordance in their Bible study and what features they use the most?

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13 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

Probably too much of a pain to do this (unless an Accordance user wanted to contribute to it with a User Tool) but some form of Tool module that links to the podcast episodes would be fun.

Nathan, would that really be that hard to do as a user tool? It seems like it would be good in terms of being able to organize and structure. I would envision just having a text directory with hyperlinks to the videos. I kind of like the idea of accessing it from within Accordance. I might be interested in helping set this up.

It would need to be an Accordance module that would update with the changes as new videos are added. Strictly having it a user tools would make it fairly useless for distribution.

Edited by Erhard
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29 minutes ago, Erhard said:

I kind of like the idea of accessing it from within Accordance.

While I can appreciate that, I would just like to add my two cents that I would prefer that it were on an actual video platform (like it had been with Dr. J) and not part of the program. I am still pretty frustrated at the "tutorials" which are built into my Accordance, and if these podcasts would be built in, that would just make the program more bloated.


If a lot of people like it in the program like @Erhard mentioned, maybe a good compromise would be it being something which could be optionally downloaded, sort of like every other Accordance resource, except for the tutorials which I think should have also been optional. (Ideally, I think the tutorials should have been optionally downloaded AND on an external video platform, like they always had been before the major change.) So the same with the podcasts.

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@Kristin I totally agree that it should be on a video platform like Vimeo and not in the program itself. I was thinking of a resource such as "Getting started with Accordance" in the "Other Books" section of the Library. It would then update whenever "Check for Updates" is used and update to the latest version. Also as you mentioned, it should be an optional install.

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4 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

What do you think of listening to an interviews of Bible scholars who use Accordance, having them discuss how they use Accordance in their Bible study and what features they use the most?

I would really welcome this - it would be good if it could be extended to Judaism as well

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On the User Tool, I was thinking links to the video hosting site that would have it. Trying to add all those videos into a tool would be a monumental task.

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All of the Lighting the Lamp videos are now on the Accordance Youtube channel and sorted under their own playlist. The playlist has errors such as podcast #143 which is part 1 of a two part on sermon preparation which is on the site but missing from the list. The playlist for Training Seminars is also incomplete missing some of David Lang's material. Hopefully all the playlists will be checked for accuracy in the near future.


If all of the Accordance training videos are moved to Youtube and Vimeo then one of the concerns about access will be resolved.


Youtube now has on demand transcription of the audio and translation into about 40 languages (so they say, yet to be tested). This is a huge benefit to those who don't use English as their first language.


Also for Lawrence Youtube has the ability to generate complete transcriptions for every video. Accordance could provide access to all the transcripts in PDF format that can be indexed and searched.


This also creates an opportunity for Accordance to expand native language support to the whole global population. I plan to post some additional proposals in later postings outlining in detail how this can be done. This includes Internationalization and Accessibility requirements and publishing training videos in multiple languages as foreign language user groups come forward to support the activities. 


Lawrence mentions sorting by keywords so that content can be found quickly. Brilliant. I am working on detailed proposals for creating and maintaining an Accordance Catalog of Training Materials that would be fully searchable. This would include tagging by the authors of the material. For this to work well the whole community needs to accept a Tagging Glossary of well defined terms that clearly define conceptual boundaries for search. The authors apply tags for substantial content in their videos and users then search using the tags as defined in the glossary. Each training video then has a paragraph sized detailed description for further drilling down on content. The whole Catalog can be searched for vocabulary. The searchable transcript of the whole video would be available. And for Erhard the direct links from the Catalog to the videos would be included.


Before creating new content the entire output of Doctor J should be reviewed first. His presentation is enthusiastic, clear, and informative and would be difficult to surpass. Some of the older videos could receive updates where the software has been improved or substantially altered.


New content should focus on user applications and how to bring the combined resources to bear on a specific task. Examples are translation into new languages, supporting missionary field work, working side by side with someone learning in a different language, writing a term paper on Bible subject, conducting a group Bible study, etc. Let the user community describe what they are doing and then show how Accordance is essential to getting the task done well.


It is late and my eyes grow weary so I will follow up later. I hope that this is useful input.



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