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GNT Audio Acting Buggy

Louis Lapides

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I was listening to the Greek NT Audio for Mark 6. When I activate the module by hitting the sound icon next to the verse, it generally works all right. But when I tried to listen to Mark 6:10, the slider on the audio module moved all the way to the right as if I had finished listening to the whole chapter. When I went to Mark 6:9 or 6:11, the module worked fine. But not Maek 6:20.


Does anyone else have this problem? If you resolved it, how did you do it?


it would be so nice if the Greek text scrolled along with the audio reading in GNT Audio. Other than that, it's a great module.

Edited by Louis Lapides
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1 hour ago, Louis Lapides said:

I was listening to the Greek NT Audio for Mark 6. When I activate the module by hitting the sound icon next to the verse, it generally works all right. But when I tried to listen to Mark 6:10, the slider on the audio module moved all the way to the right as if I had finished listening to the whole chapter. When I went to Mark 6:9 or 6:11, the module worked fine. But not Maek 6:20.


Does anyone else have this problem? If you resolved it, how did you do it?


it would be so nice if the Greek text scrolled along with the audio reading in GNT Audio. Other than that, it's a great module.


I confirm this behavior for Mark 6:10 in Accordance 13. I reported it with "report a correction"

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@Kristin Yes, I have. I’m not sure why the GNT audio works intermittently. If this only happens rarely, I can live with it. But thanks for reaching out Kristin. I’ll try a few other ways of troubleshooting. I do use the GNT Audio daily so I’ll surely know if the module is buggy in other areas as well. I’ll report back to this pos f I have more trouble and reach out to the Accordance support team. They are a top notched support resource and will respond accordingly. 

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@Michael J. Bolesta I have not reported this as a correction. I will.  I wanted to see how many others in the support forum were having this problem. Plus I wanted to finish Mark 6 to see the extent of this bad behavior. Maybe this only happens with one verse instead of 50 passages!! But thanks for reaching out.

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Thanks for the feedback on this! I will report this as well.

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@Nathan Parker I reported the problem to Corrections as well. I've noticed the bug only happens when I start the module at Mark 6:10. If I start at verse 5, for example, the audio plays straight through. Not a huge issue, but I'm sure Accordance wants everything working properly. 

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I have been working through John slowly and have not seen this issue up through Jn 11:53. I did not encounter it in 1 John.

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Thanks for the feedback!

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@Michael J. Bolesta I'm reading through the GNT after I was challenged by @Abram K-J's webinar a week ago on keeping your Hebrew and Greek. He challenged the listeners to go through the GNT in one year. So I will have a great opportunity to listen to the entire GNT using the audio module. I will obviously notify the tech support people like @Nathan Parker and others if I find additional glitches. Thanks again! 

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  • 1 month later...

GNT Audio giving me trouble again but this time on a Windows 10 PC. When I click on the speaker icon in the GNT interface, a media player box shows up with no audio. I cannot get an audio of someone reading the a Greek text. 

I re-downloaded the drivers for the sound and checked the output. Everything works fine. On a Mac the GNT Audio works great. 
Any suggestions? Is this an Accordance with Windows problem or a Windows issue? I’m a Mac guy lost in a PC forest. 

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Hi Louis! If you keep having issues with GNT Audio, feel free to email Tech Support, and they can get you taken care of.

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