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Unable Get Easy Install to Work with Accordance 12


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I had a lot of difficulty with Easy Install / Upgrade before with Accordance 12.  (I used Yosemite).  But I got it fixed using the procedure below. However, now after letting that Yosemite MacBook be unused for about a year (my new one went bad), I find again I can't get Easy Install to work, thus I cannot download from Accordance any module I acquired not installed.

I want to download the ASV with Strong.  Here is what I did before in italics:


I finally figured it out/stumbled to success.  When I was on the way to AccordanceBible.com, a danger warning came up about unconfirmed certificate. I don't recall how I got on the way to AccordanceBible.com.  It may have been in the Accordance Update system after I got the refusal & it gave a place to click if you were blocked.  

After the warning popped up, I clicked on view the certificate.

Then I looked at the menu where you could expand things. One of them was "details."   I marked a couple of places where it said TRUST, even though Jeremiah pronounces a curse on the one who trusts in man!  Then I clicked on "continue."  After that now I am downloading from Accordance.  The language that Tech Support used seems to have been inaccurate.  My guess is that perhaps you get different language in the warning depending on which MacOS you are using so Tech support may not know all the different language that can pop up.  Prior to that I did some things that did not cure the problem; I donno if they helped: I erased accordance data from the Keychain, & I tried to get rid of my Safari cookies, though they kept reappearing after I activated the Remove All, like the Sorcerer's Apprentice.


But now I cannot find anyway to get that Unconfirmed Certificate warning to come up.  I don't see any certificate for Accordance in keychain after I reset keychain.

When I use Safari to go to Accordance Bible.com, it just goes there with no pop up certificate warning, & no way I know to get "view the certificate" to appear.  And now I don't see any place to click if you were blocked in the Accordance Update System / Easy Install.


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Accordance 12 no longer connects to Accordance’s servers. You’ll need Accordance 13. If you don’t have a license to 13, contact our customer service team, and they’ll get you taken care of.

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I have 13 in my other computer. But I like 12 & want to use it in the computer in which it is.  13 blocks certain features of 12 when they are together in one computer.

How is it that 12 won't connect with Accordance servers?  Accordance seems to me to be degenerating to the disadvantage of users like myself who have had Accordance for over a decade, spent perhaps around $20,000 on it & bought it for a number of others as gifts.  I wish to add whatever modules I have bought from Accordance for my 12 machine, like ASV-Strong, realizing that Brill lexicons will not work with 12 (groan).  Are you saying that if I call tech support they can get the modules downloaded for my 12 MacBook? Is it feasible to copy modules which exist in my 13 machine & then use a thumbdrive to add them to 12 in the other machine?


BTW, the 12 error message that popped up says, "Error processing update information.  There may be a problem with the servers.  Please try again later."

That is an invitation to waste time.  And indeed I wasted a lot of time today trying to get update/easy install to work with 12.  Until you enable 12 again to work with the Accordance servers, could you at least cause the correct error message to pop up "You are using 12, &  12 no longer connects to the Accordance Servers," but perhaps if you have cut off 12 from Accordance, you can't change that error message???  I suppose in the interim you could send an email to all the 12 owners informing them.


Edited by Enoch
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Was there ever a message to all users saying that Accordance 12 would be sunset and no longer connect to servers? I don't remember seeing it. I know you like people to upgrade, but this is where you probably need to take a lesson from other companies out there. If you buy resources, then you should still be able to access them. When the main engine might add newer features in the future, it makes sense that if a resource is updated, you wouldn't get those new features, but again it feels like this is another example of poor communication. I will be happy to be wrong, but I just don't remember notice about something like this happening. Granted I no almost nothing about "server upgrades," but the amount of time these server upgrades have taken and the amount of things affected by them seems puzzling to me. I've not experienced such a prolonged issue with any other piece of software I've owned.

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2 hours ago, mhanel said:

Was there ever a message to all users saying that Accordance 12 would be sunset and no longer connect to servers? I don't remember seeing it. I know you like people to upgrade, but this is where you probably need to take a lesson from other companies out there. If you buy resources, then you should still be able to access them. When the main engine might add newer features in the future, it makes sense that if a resource is updated, you wouldn't get those new features, but again it feels like this is another example of poor communication. I will be happy to be wrong, but I just don't remember notice about something like this happening. Granted I no almost nothing about "server upgrades," but the amount of time these server upgrades have taken and the amount of things affected by them seems puzzling to me. I've not experienced such a prolonged issue with any other piece of software I've owned.


I agree that the server upgrades have taken an extraordinarily length of time and are, to-date, still unfinished – strange indeed.  I did come across this https://www.accordancebible.com/legacy-installers/ where version 12 and previous version downloads reside including the "no longer connect to Accordance's servers" notice; which Nathan mentioned in an above post.      

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It looks like we did add that information to the website. I’m not sure if an email newsletter went out about it since once I started working for Accordance, I accidentally messed up my email preferences, causing me to miss all of the recent emails (I think I’ve resolved it, but we’ll see!). We won’t be re-enabling 12 to access our servers due to the changes. 


Actually what I was referencing above was if you own a legacy version of Accordance that was affected by the server change and do not currently own a license to 13 or newer, contact customer service, and we’ll get you taken care of with Accordance 13 so you’ll be able to access all your purchased modules.


I’ve actually personally had this happen in the past with other Bible software apps where legacy apps would no longer connect to their servers after they were no longer supported. We actually offered legacy access to versions of Accordance longer than I thought Accordance could pull it off. 


In terms of the server migrations, they did seem to take a little longer than usual, but I believe we’re set now. 

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1 hour ago, Nathan Parker said:

It looks like we did add that information to the website. I’m not sure if an email newsletter went out about it since once I started working for Accordance, I accidentally messed up my email preferences, causing me to miss all of the recent emails (I think I’ve resolved it, but we’ll see!). We won’t be re-enabling 12 to access our servers due to the changes. 


Actually what I was referencing above was if you own a legacy version of Accordance that was affected by the server change and do not currently own a license to 13 or newer, contact customer service, and we’ll get you taken care of with Accordance 13 so you’ll be able to access all your purchased modules.


I’ve actually personally had this happen in the past with other Bible software apps where legacy apps would no longer connect to their servers after they were no longer supported. We actually offered legacy access to versions of Accordance longer than I thought Accordance could pull it off. 


In terms of the server migrations, they did seem to take a little longer than usual, but I believe we’re set now. 

"We're"?  We?  I certainly am not "all set now."  I am reminded of Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where Earth was going to be destroyed & the Galactic authorities brushed off the complaints of any earthmen by saying that a notice was posted like in the basement of the Galactic Headquarters on some far off planet.  Is it right to call Accordance 12 "legacy"? Is it old enough for such a rubric?  At any rate, please tell me how I can move ASV-Strong from Accordance 13 files over to Accordance 12 on another machine using a thumbdrive to copy & paste.  But I think Accordance ought to make it possible for Accordance 12 to download from an Accordance server.  And Is it really to Accordance's advantage to block Accordance 12 users from buying new modules?

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An Accordance user emailed me these instructions. You can give this a try and let me know if this works for you:


He should delete the Bible from his Accordance 13 and move to trash. From there he put it out and send it to his Accordance 12 machine. On the Accordance 12 machine he can simply double click and it will be installed. 
Or he goes to Finder, Library, Application Support, Accordance, Modules, Texts and copy it from there. 


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In terms of “I believe we’re set now”, I’m referring to the server migrations. I believe they’ve been completed. 


Unfortunately, Accordance 12 and below no longer connects to our servers due to some other changes we’re in the process of making that is improving the overall reliability, performance, and security between Accordance Desktop and Accordance’s servers. In order to deliver these needed enhancements, Accordance 12 and below unfortunately are unable to connect to our servers.


For users affected by this transition, they can contact Customer Service, and we’ll take care of them with Accordance 13 to ensure they can still access their modules. 


Tech Support has seen other issues with Accordance 12 and below not playing well with some OS versions (I have a post on this on the forums), so we’ve been recommending 13 as our recommended minimum for a while now.

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6 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

An Accordance user emailed me these instructions. You can give this a try and let me know if this works for you:


He should delete the Bible from his Accordance 13 and move to trash. From there he put it out and send it to his Accordance 12 machine. On the Accordance 12 machine he can simply double click and it will be installed. 
Or he goes to Finder, Library, Application Support, Accordance, Modules, Texts and copy it from there. 



He should delete the Bible from his Accordance 13 and move to trash. From there he put it out and send it to his Accordance 12 machine. On the Accordance 12 machine he can simply double click and it will be installed.  ??? What does that mean "put it out"? & how does one "send it"?  I can see copying a file to a thumb drive, then pasting it into the Computer that has Accordance 12.  So after you move "the Bible" from Acc 13 (how do you do that?) to the trash, exactly what do you do then?  Are you saying that if I past it on the desktop in my Acc 12 machine & double click on it, it will install into 12???


Alternatively, are you saying that I can go to Finder, . . . Texts; then copy & paste it to a thumb drive?  What do I do with it after I put the thumb drive into the 12 computer? Simply double click on the file in the thumb drive ????

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for a while now?  To me it seems like yesterday that I installed Accordance 12.  & I don't think it has been 2 years since I installed 13.

If you had a program for your server to serve Acc 12 computers, why can't you just revive it & make it available now???  Thanks.

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I believe the user who sent me the instructions was from Germany. DM me, and I can give you his email address, and he can clarify the instructions for you. I just copy/pasted what he said since I don’t have an Accordance 13 or 12 test machine to try this on myself.


There’s a change we’re making to both our servers and Accordance Desktop that’s improving the performance, reliability, and security of how users download modules onto their systems. Due to that change, Accordance 12 and below won’t be technically compatible with it. In the meantime, I am bringing it up to our teams to see if there’s an alternate way you can download/unlock modules in older versions of Accordance.

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  • 6 months later...

[deleted post]

Edited by Ronelh
changed my mind
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/13/2023 at 2:21 PM, Nathan Parker said:

I believe the user who sent me the instructions was from Germany. DM me, and I can give you his email address, and he can clarify the instructions for you.

Am I wrong for thinking that Accordance should fix this problem for those who have invested so much money into it?  Do you believe that I should try to jump through such unknown hoops?  & what if something goes wrong?

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Accordance isn't going to officially "fix" anything else with Accordance 12 since we've stopped supporting it. We're providing users with a free upgrade to Accordance 13 who have been affected by the sunsetting of Accordance 12 so that you can continue to download your book investments in our minimum version we support (and there are multiple factors as to why we sunsetted Accordance 12). 


If you install Accordance 13, any issues you run into, our tech support will be glad to assist you with via phone or email. Should you decide to continue with Accordance 12, users on our forums can do our best to assist you, but it won't be able to connect to our servers to install new books moving forward.


We have discussed some form of offline installation method for legacy users, but we have no promise or ETA on if we could do something along those lines at the moment since we have other major accomplishments to tackle at the moment, and since the majority of our active user base has at least installed Accordance 13, most of our user base is able to connect successfully to our servers.

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