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Wrong chapter verses display while using "parallel"

Enrique Pappalardo

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Please see attached screenshot. Exodus 36 along with parallelMT AndersenForbes and Ralph's LXX1 seems to cause Leviticus 2:4 to show between Exodus 36:7 an 9. Without Ralph's LXX the MT does not show Leviticus 2:4. Replacing Ralph's with the Greek (LXX+GNT), Swete, causes Leviticus 2:1 and 1:13 to show between Exodus 36:7 and 8, instead of Leviticus 2:4.
Also in parallel mode Ralph's displays Exodus 36:1-8, then it jumps to Exodus 37:1, which seems to be tagged with Exodus 36:8 in the KJV with Strong's. Ralph's LXX1 displays all verses to 36:39 parallel to King James alone, but then the King James jumps from 36:7 to 36:10.
Is there something wrong with this? or Am I just not understanding something? Please advice. I am needing to document English KJV, with Masoretic and Greek LXX and just having a hard time understanding the difficulties here.
Technical Support was kind to reply after reproducing the error, advising that it may be a problem with the Hebrew Grammar and recommending to post it in the forum.
Can anyone explain this? or else advising as to what to do? even if nothing can be done at this point to correct it?
Give me some ideas to experiment? Thanx for your help.
In Christ, Enrique

Parallel Hebrew wrong chapter-verse.png

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I’m showing it to our module developers to see where the issue lies. I’ll report back what I find.

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Our module developers are going to look into this when they get a free moment.

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@Nathan Parker


The issue seems to only occur when the LXX1 is brought in parallel.  I tried various other text combinations and could only duplicate the Lev 2:4 issue when the LXX1 comes into play.

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A bit odd. It's also affected when using instead of the LXX, the Greek Bible (LXX+GNT), Swete. In this combination, it displays in the same place Leviticus 2:1 and Leviticus 1:13, that is, after Exodus 36:7 of the Andersen Forbes Hebrew. Also notice the insertion of Exodus 36:24 and 36:29 after 36:7 in the same LXX displayed here. Also the 2 space indicators, if I may call it that, "--" in the KJV Strong's, which shows in the ASV, ESV, Webster, etc. But, when the english text I switch to the NETS (Septuagint) English translation of the LXX, keeping in parallel both, MT-AFD and Greek Bible (LXX+GNT), The Hebrew Andersen displays Leviticus 2:4 as previously indicated. Also The LXX+GNT displays Exodus 36:7, space and 36:9 (no longer 36:24 and 29 as with the other text versions.


Here are the screenshots. Thanx!



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Enrique, what version of LXX+GNT and of LXX1 do you have installed? (Right-click and select "About this text")

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Sorry it took some time to reply. Thank you for your help.


Greek Bible (LXX+GNT) version is 2.5.


LXX RAHLFS TAGGED - Greek Septuagint (LXX1) version  is 5.5. Kraft/Taylor/Wheeler Septuagint Morphology Database v. 4.7a


In Christ,




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