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Is it possible to download and use Accordance help files and use them OFLINE?

Accordance Enthusiast

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Is there any way to do this? The ONLINE help files take very long to load in the accordance app, 

But the old OFLINE files load in an instant.


I want to download the new files and use them OFLINE.


Is this possible?



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Let me ask about this.

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Hi @Accordance Enthusiast,

I just wanted to mention that you can print it to a PDF. If you open the help window it opens in that funny little Accordance browser, and there is nothing you can do there. However, if you copy the link and paste it in another browser (I used Firefox) you can just print the page which will allow you to download it as a PDF.


I hope this helps,

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Help has moved online. There is a way to access online help in a web browser then save the help files offline. Here’s one article I found that might offer some help:




We’re discussing the possibility of re-offering an offline help option or at least the ability to download a copy of the help files offline. No definite answer on this yet, but if this is something you’re interested in, let us know.

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17 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

No definite answer on this yet, but if this is something you’re interested in, let us know.

There used to be a very basic pdf which was used for training up to about version 12 and while it just covered the basics, it was very well structured and would certainly welcome an updated something like that. I found i kept referring to it a) when i first started using accordance and b) when my ram lost the plot after it had been cleared by a few nights sleep and i needed a quick organised place to look something up. 

The problem i find with the help on line is that its in such bite sized pieces that i get fed up clicking on a page and then clicking on another and then having to go back and click on an earlier page. Great for searching for something specific but then reading two or three pages gets tedious.


I still have a copy downloaded and still refer to it though it doesnt include the latest features.  I like manuals!!!!!!


Edited by ukfraser
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I certainly prefer a bound organization of knowledge even as a pdf for the reasons Fraser stated above. I know a wiki style of information is easier to maintain, but it is much more difficult for me to integrate the information from a wiki. I guess I prefer reading a narrative compared to reading a dictionary or phone directory. ;)



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I would also prefer to have manuals and help on the computer, rather than having to depend on the internet.

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Thanks for the feedback!

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On 2/4/2023 at 6:44 AM, Nathan Parker said:

let us know.


Yes please I would like to have all the help files offline.


Thank you.

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I think we moved the PDF Manual into a “Getting Stated with Accordance” module. If some of you don’t have it, let me know. Some of the screenshots need to be updated in it. I’m not sure all of the content of the PDF manual is in there as well. This might be a project where when I come on full-time, I can update/flesh out the content in the module and hand if off to our module developers to release (unless I want to take a try at developing a module for Accordance).

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I'm especially interested in the complete set of help files offline.

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On 2/4/2023 at 9:50 PM, Nathan Parker said:

I think we moved the PDF Manual into a “Getting Stated with Accordance” module

Hi Nathan,

There are some basics there, but could use more information on the various features as some do not seem to be listed there.

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