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Is there a way to open a link in a new tab?


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So, this may be a rookie question, but I am reading an article from the IVP Dict. of NT Background. As I am reading, I come across a hyperlink to another article within the dictionary. If I click it, I lose my place and it jumps straight to the hyperlinked article.


Is there a way or a setting to "open link in a new tab" so that I can maintain my place where I am reading but essentially tuck that hyperlinked article to the side so I can read it later?

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Are you familiar with the history navigation tool (<- and ->)on the lower right of the window beside the current section title?





Screen Shot 2023-02-01 at 3.45.08 PM.png

Edited by Solly
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@Solly, I am, and it's very useful. However, that will only help me back track after I've finished chasing down a rabbit trail. I want to essentially bookmark an article to read after I finish the current one. Being able to open it in a new tab (much like an internet browser) would be really useful. Perhaps there isn't a way, and this should be moved to a feature request.


On a side note, your reference to the history navigation tool brings up another small UI point. I would like to be able to place that history navigation tool in the main tool bar (at least the back button). That seems to be a pretty standardized navigation feature in apps.

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