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Is there a way to backup your library organization?


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Hi all,


I'm curious, is there a way to backup how you have organized your library? In the past, I've had to replace a computer and reorganize my entire library which is quite extensive and it took a lot of time to do this. Is there any way to back up the way organization in a library is done (categories, folders, order of resources within each section, dividers, etc)?


Or, is there some kind of overall backup of accordance that can be done which when restored (on the same or different computer) maintains the way the library was organized?

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Yes! It is a good idea to back up your preferences. The files in the preferences folder include library organization.




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3 hours ago, Michael J. Bolesta said:

Yes! It is a good idea to back up your preferences. The files in the preferences folder include library organization.




Thank you for this. This article discusses how to back it up which is helpful. How would one go about restoring Accordance "back to normal"? I imagine copying certain files back into the appdata\local\accordance folder (for Windows)?

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I had to do that yesterday. I simply copied the preferences (since they were somehow corrupt). I also did it a year ago with a new computer.

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5 hours ago, Michael J. Bolesta said:

Yes! It is a good idea to back up your preferences. The files in the preferences folder include library organization.




Does that preference file get synced automatically when one uses the Accordance to Dropbox sync feature? If not, it seems like that would be a very good thing for Accordance to include in that.

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I do not synch to Dropbox, but I suspect the answer is no. Check your Dropbox folders. I believe it synchronizes your user files. Preference files (at least on the Mac) are kept elsewhere. A Windows user may be able to clarify for you @MatthewJames.

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Dropbox doesn’t sync those files, but I’m hoping our enhanced syncing that replaces Dropbox syncing will improve on this front. It will be available as an update to Accordance 14. We don’t have an official release date for it yet, but we are making great progress on it.

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7 hours ago, TheBard said:

Thank you for this. This article discusses how to back it up which is helpful. How would one go about restoring Accordance "back to normal"? I imagine copying certain files back into the appdata\local\accordance folder (for Windows)?


If you're reinstalling the same version from scratch, delete the two default directories and replace them with the ones you backed up.


Most of your custom data is in: Documents > Accordance Files.
Most (all?) of the preference settings are in: AppData > Local > Accordance > Accordance Preferences (Windows), or Library > Preferences > Accordance Preferences (Mac).

Edited by Lawrence
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49 minutes ago, Lawrence said:


If you're reinstalling the same version from scratch, delete the two default directories and replace them with the ones you backed up.


Most of your custom data is in: Documents > Accordance Files.
Most (all?) of the preference settings are in: AppData > Local > Accordance > Accordance Preferences (Windows), or Library > Preferences > Accordance Preferences (Mac).

Excellent, thanks!

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