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Products in Need of New Screenshots

Sean Nelson

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This is a thread for users to report product pages that need updated/better quality screenshots. While we try to keep our product pages updated with high quality images, we recognize that some of our older products still need new screenshots. If you find a product page that needs a higher resolution image, please post the link in this thread.

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Thanks for mentioning this! Some of the "previews" are so small they are worthless. I often let the screenshot be the determining factor when deciding whether or not to purchase a new module that I am not familiar with.

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  • 2 months later...

The TWOT has two screenshots, but they look like the same image at two different resolutions. I think the lower resolution one should be deleted.

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  • 1 month later...

Two of the images/photos for the new Dictionnaire Grec-français Du NT (https://www.accordancebible.com/product/dictionnaire-grec-franais-du-nt-barclay-newman/), including the screenshot of the (supposed) text in Accordance are actually of the and English Greek-English dictionary. 

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NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible Notes

new screen shot required  please

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  • 4 weeks later...

The four new volumes on sale all need screenshots of the content on the product pages. 


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I found pdf samples for these books on the publisher's website. In each case, you will find a link to a sample pdf under the book picture--it is labeled "Interior Preview" within a red rectangle.  











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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I was looking at the new resources in the beginning autumn sale and once again, none of them have any screen shots of the text included. It seems to me that for the last few months, whenever a new resource is added to the accordance store, only the cover is added. I think you need to add to the 'making a new product live check list' a reminder to add a screenshot of the product pages. 

Edited by ukfraser
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Last week's new releases still havent got and screenshots of the text and we only have a week left on the sale. (Still trying to find out something about this first one!)


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Those products should have updated screenshots now.

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1 minute ago, Sean Nelson said:

Those products should have updated screenshots now.

And some! Many thanks, nice lot!

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  • 9 months later...

Is there a way to get the cover artwork from Smith's Bible Dictionary inside Accordance and use it on the website (plus also flesh out the description page a little bit)?

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